chapter 31?

1627 Words

But then again, he must have realised that you are an idiot.” Clara retorted. “ No he didn’t. Because he chatted with me happily for several minutes” Eve justified herself. But it’s too late to fight with Clara. “he must have tried those several minutes to give you many hints about his feelings and thoughts he had of you. But then, at last he must have found out that you are an idiotic she wolf, who is as dumb as a unturned solid rock” Clara retorted casually and shrugged her shoulders. “No he didn’t. I know he enjoyed spending time with me.” Eve said. “ yeah….yeah….you know everything, Ms. All details I know ‘Eve’. Shut it.” Clara said sarcastically. Eve just sat there with a blank face, not knowing what to do with the new information bomb, her dear friend Clara had so kindly and ea

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