chapter 9?

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Xayden POV: “You done with that list I gave you a few days back relating to the treaties and changes in different strategies about training the warriors yet" our father snapped, not even looking up from the bunch of papers he was currently reviewing which contained the new development program details we gave him, a few minutes back, when he came storming into our office in our floor. Yes you heard right. We have two floors entirely to ourselves. One floor was used for our official purposes and the other one was for our personal use. The one, below one was occupied with our office, lounge room for guest meeting and a large meeting room that could accommodate all the royal cabinet members and more, Incase of some important meetings. The floor above that had our bedroom, game room, personal gym, home theatre room, an artificial hotspring bath house, a big modern pool, and all our entertainment based rooms etc. We sat on our desks, Xander was occupying the left side of the large dark colored wooden office desk which had delicate cravings in it, while I occupied the right side of the desk. We both are doing the final touches in the paper works our father instructed us to do a few days be precisely said, two days back. He was working out the details and also throwing glances at our direction, every few minutes, clearly to keep an eye on us, that's what he says. but we know him better. He had other purpose. Even though his real purpose was to make us anxious and disturb us using his intimidating presence. But he should have known better. Even though he is the Alpha king of the werewolves, he is our father too. Even though his presence does intimidate us a little bit, who would not be...!!! we are no less as intimidating as him. We are the crown alpha princes of this kingdom and the future Alpha kings of the werewolves kingdom. “three minutes" Xander and I yelled one after the other, while simultaneously working through the last bit of the changes needed to be done on the documents we are currently dealing with. Its not a weird thing anymore for the people of the palace to hear us saying the same things at the same time. They got used to us saying these things, given they have saw us growing up the way we are behaving inside the palace walls, since we were born. We even have an even more weird habit of talking. I would start a sentence and Xander would finish it. As we have a twin connection between us since we were born, we tend to think alike and wanted to say same things. So most of the time the words that come out of our mouth would be similar. At the beginning, we did creeped a lot of people around us by our simultaneous speaking, but as the time went by, everyone of the palace residents got used to us. Now they would laugh and shakes their heads when we do our alternate talkings. What else you can expect. They got used to our weird habits. “you don’t have three minutes” he stated, a voice as gruff and dominating as it had always been, still not looking up from the documents in his hands. His gruff voice oozing with authority and dominance can make the well grown male warrior to run for his life to the hills. I rolled my eyes at him, making sure he doesn’t see me do that gesture. Incase, he caught me doing that, then I would never hear the end of his lectures and scolding, as it is considered as a blunt disrespect to the werewolf king. I quickly scribbled down the last point of my notes, before I stood up from my plush chair and moving away from my side of the desk and walking to him with the paper work in my hands. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw that Xander was doing the same and within seconds, he was by my side, with his bunch of paper works in his hand. He was eyeing the movements and facial expressions of our father to get a hint of what he was thinking. But our father being himself as usual and the king of all werewolves, had a stoic face, like an unpainted canvas, without giving off any emotions to show across his features. Xander silently handed our works to him, and waited for the results from him. I was doing the documents relating the training and patrols timings. while Xander was on dealing with the documents on the treaties and alliances with the other neighboring kingdoms. Our father looked over the documents, his grey eyes scanning the documents, staring at the works unblinking. His eyes were focused to study the details accurately and to find out the mistakes that may need any changes accordingly. Finally, he nodded his head, making his tousled hair move lightly. ”Satisfactory" came a word for our two days hard work. “what? We worked really hard on those documents” this time I yelled exasperated. “ I have eyes. And it can been seen" he shrugged casually, before checking his limited edition expensive watch which was donned perfectly on his right wrist. “Now, you two get moving. You promised Alena, you would take her to the palace garden for playing today. So don’t waste your time, standing here like a lost puppy. You know, what happens, when you keep her waiting". Our father gave us a sly grin with amusement dancing in his eyes, while mentioning Alena. While mentioning his little princess, he had a small, warm smile playing along his lips. Now he was back to our fun loving father than the strict, domineering king of werewolves. I sigh defeatedly. Who wouldn’t be excited in the presence of a loving angel. Alena was our younger little sister. Our cute little angel. She is the apple of the eye for the whole family. But as much as she was cute, when she was being sweet, she can have the whole palace blown away with her temper tantrums, if someone upsets her. Since she is our little princess, her mood swings have a great deal of changes in our moods. If she was sad, then we wouldn't be able to do our works happily. .........,............ hi lovely readers..... what are you thoughts about the current alpha king??? you will be meeting the alpha queen in next chapter....stay tuned..... hope you are all doing well and good.... take you all....
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