chapter 71?

1411 Words

Eve POV: He played with my long hair and traced it's length till my shoulders, while his forest green eyes followed his hands movement intently. I was still looking at his eyes. When his hand touched my ear while tucking my hair,I slightly shivered due to his touch. He too took notice of my reaction and smirked knowingly, as it was all caused because of his touch and he knows it all too well. He then trailed his fingers on the side of my jaw. I closed my eyes involuntary and focused on his wandering fingers on my skin. His fingers again went up and trailed the shape of my earlobe, making a shiver run down my spine. It seems like my ears are one of my sensitive spots. “ Look at me, my innocent little kitten”, Xander’s voice ordered in his usual dominating tone, making me to come ou

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