chapter 27?

1801 Words

She gave an quick kick on his leg. Coming in contact with he heavily edges of Eve’s 8 inches high heels, Sam experienced sharp pain for a moment. Sam gasped from the sudden pain. He was distracted in his inner conflicts, that’s why he didn’t notice Eve’s sly action. If he was in his right mind, he would have avoided Eve’s attack. Inorder to ease the pain, he quickly took his right leg and made it overlap on his left leg. He quickly rubbed the sore spot and s**t a glare at her. “what? Don’t give me that look. You deserve it for treating me as air. How dare you to get distracted in my presence” Eve said with an edge to her voice due to her annoyance. Sam really got her more worked out than any other guy had,till now. ‘how dare he treat me as an invisible person, in the middl

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