chapter 64?

1139 Words

Xander POV: Once they found that they will have their own rooms to stay, separately from ours, both the girls sighed in relief. I patted myself mentally in the shoulder, for thinking about the girls’ comfort and was smart enough to arrange their own rooms. After saying our goodbyes and holding hands for a few minutes,(**what….you can’t blame us.. we crave our mate’s touch), we reluctantly left our mate in her new room, which was right below our room. Derek, on the other hand, who was trying to pave his way in to his mate’s room was forcibly dragged by the both of us. **Evil smirk moment……how could we let our dear friend, to spend his time with his mate, when we didn’t get our share of time to spend with our mate. ** Friends share their bad times together guys** wink Though this lin

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