chapter 76?

1721 Words

The twins were happy, when they find out that their friend Derek mated and completed his mating process and was marked by his mate. They genuinely felt happy for their beta as a friend and also as his leaders. “oh my moon goddess….why ….why me….Now this bulky guy would flaunt his Public display of affection more openly and in the worst case scenario, I could run into him kissing and into his long make out session….oh my poor eyes and poor soul”, the familiar male voice called out behind us. When we turned around, we found Stefan kneeling on the ground, like he was praying and was trying to act and tease Derek even more. "From now on, I am not going to enter that big guy's room, without knocking, like I did before. On the second thought, I won't go to his room at all...yes that's go

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