chapter 4?

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Xander POV: There is a tunnel in the underground of the palace. No one knows about it, expect the alpha king and some of his trusted men. Since we were the first born and legal heirs to the kingdom, our father took us to this tunnel when we were little. Since then it became our own little secret place. The tunnel from the palace connects to the outskirts of the forest. One end of the tunnel opening is in the palace grounds while the other opening is in the outskirts of the forest. We used this tunnel to sneak out whenever we wanted when we were teenagers. Now we use it as a shortcut for our morning run, as it opens up directly to the forest outside the palace. When we reached the other side end leading to the forest, I signaled Xay to open the door. He went near the walls and pressed a secret button which made one side of the wall to open up which served as a door. Soon the morning crisp cold air greeted me, making me feel more alive than I would be in the suffocating buildings. I took in a deep breath enjoying the fresh air which contained full of forest scents and freshness of the morning air. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Xay doing the same as me,enjoying the nature at its full glory and taking in its lushfulness. Closing the eyes, I listened to the sounds of nature. I was able to hear the sounds of the blowing fresh and misty winds carrying the freshness of forests and the sounds of the many little and varied sized forest creatures getting ready to welcome the first rays of the sunlight and getting ready to begin their new day. A happy smile tugged at the corner of my lips while standing in the muddy soil of the forest area. The soil of the forest floor was mixed with a little moisture they absorbed during the misty night. Since half a part of us is animal, the other part of our soul craves its real home, the lovely and refreshing forest atmosphere. Soon we discarded our clothes and shoes and kept them hidden in a big tree at one corner of the vast and majestic forest. Looking at each other, we gave a slight nod to each other, and then gave our controls to our wolf instincts. My wolf's name is Ryder and Xay wolf's name is Ryker. we felt the growth of the furs on our body and the deforming and reshaping of our bones. Soon we are transformed into our wolf form, standing on all fours overlooking the forest before us. Our wolves looked quite identical to each other with a thick coat of grey hairs with the highlights of brown and silver here and there. Even in our wolf forms we had our human eye colors. All the wolves would have their eye color same as their human body eyes. If we give full control of our body to our wolves in both our wolf forms and human forms, then our eye color would change into a golden color with the small specks of green in mine and a golden color with the small specks of blue in Xay's eye color. Feeling the moist wet mud of the forest floors, Ryder began to howl happily inside my mind. I lost my footing for a second, as Xay shoved me suddenly from the other side. When I turned to see him, he motioned his wolf head forward meaning to go for a run. He always does that. Soon we dashed inside the forests with thick trees which covers most of the forest and gives the forest a healthy majestic look. After some time, I gave full control over my body to Ryder making him howl in delight. Ryder’s howl was soon followed by Ryker’s howl meaning Xay gave his wolf, the full control of his body. Both of them shoved each other playfully while racing through the dense forest grounds. The wind flowing through my thick mane of furs felt like heaven as I let my wolf take over, as both mine and my Wolf’s desire to burn off all the stress built due to the royal duties was very high recently. My paws hit the forest floor, the leaves crunching from under my weight, the feel of the moist mud creating a warm fuzzy feeling to envelop my heart blanketing it with a warm covering. Due to the happiness, Ryder howled loudly throwing his head up in the wind. Soon Ryder’s howl was followed by Ryker’s letting us know that he was feeling the same as us. For another hour, we run around the forest enjoying our most loved solitude time. My mind goes back to the king, our father, about the last conversation Xay and me had with our father in his royal office about either that we find our mate soon or prepare for our coronation soon. Shaking my head to dismiss these thoughts, I recognized that Ryder was nearing the cliff. Xay was hot on my tail, following me closely behind with a steady pace. When we reached the edge of the cliff, we stopped and laid down near the big tree facing the edge of the cliff. the tree was there as long as we know. I remember the one time, we came out to play together with our Father. then we were little kids, our Father shifted his big alpha wolf and urged us to climbing on the back of him. And both Xay and me climbed on top of him happily. we rode him on the back, while he ran through the forest. It was an exciting experience for both xay and me. our mom had never allowed us to climb on our father's back in wolf form, as he had often said that he wanted to take us on a run. but our mom rejected the idea of our Father right out flatly every single time. As she knows our Father tend to go a little overboard in his wolf form. so our mom was afraid that we won't be able to keep up with our father's speed and hold onto him strongly. she was afraid, that we would fall down and hurt ourselves. but what she didn't know was that, our Father, Xay and me had often sneaked out through the tunnel into the Forest. our father would shift into his wolf and we often went for long runs. in those one of the runs, our Father brought us here, early in the morning to see the sunrise. it was an amazing scene and it was so mesmerizing how the colors of the sky changed along with the rise of the sun. it somehow got struck for both Xay and me. so we urged our father to bring here more often. later when we shifted on our 18th birthday, we always came here to clear our minds of the things that stresses us. it became our special place to hang out. Xay came near me and laid by my side . The sun has not yet risen properly till now. We just sat there, at the edge of the cliff, while waiting for the sun to come up at the horizon. We lazily looked at the clearing below the cliff while basking in the light rays of the morning sun. When we thought, we had enough of our morning run, we ran back to the tree and dressed into our old clothes and headed in to the tunnel. ………….............……………..……… hi was the chapter.?? follow the story to know more. luv u all check out my other story," my little sunshine".
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