62 Arcane Lessons

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"No. I can't do it. The village is young, and every day there's a new challenge to face. The trade routes will open up soon and relationships will have to be fostered to the neighboring towns to keep our settlement on its feet. This is a crucial time, I already have so much work as it is. I have my own school to run and the children are relying on me for their future. I can't go to school in another country. I just can't."   Janus slumped to the floor. A wave of exhaustion crept over him. The truth was, he always coveted Marcus' abilities. Even looking at Haruna moving small ponds worth of water had given him a sense of awe. But he had a responsibility to his home and his people. He had uprooted the men and women of Gracewood, and liberated goblins and dwarves from certain demise. He had gotten them this far. He won't give them up now. Not for all the fancy magic tricks in the world.   "So what are you gonna do about all of this power? You're just gonna leave it hanging there? You have overflowing potential, equal to or more than the greatest Mages in Kalesia, and you're just gonna let it go like that?"   "Yes. It may seem ridiculous to you, but I'm looking out for what's best for my people. I can't leave them now. I've survived without magic for all these years. I'm sure I can manage without it."   "Unbelievable." She said, throwing her arms up in the air.   There was a pause from the two. Both lost in their own thoughts.   It was Haruna who first spoke. Her voice quivering.   "Fine then, I will be your teacher for now. I'll stay until we can figure out more about your situation. We'll have to make an excuse to my father though. I doubt he'll like it, but Gaddi is not that far, all things considered. Master Roban will have to go back without me."   Janus did not expect this, but he was relieved all the same.   "Are you sure Lady Haruna? How about your own studies?"   "You know what? My studies can wait. And besides, I have a feeling that there's a lot that I can learn from here. I want to see more of what you've done in this village. Plus, there are unusual arcane energies here that warrant my investigation. And I won't pass up the opportunity of teaching you. Don't be complacent though, as the lessons will be tough. If you think you're busy now, you are gravely mistaken. Prepare to get your mind stretched."   "That will be great. It would be a pleasure having you around the village my Lady." Janus said.   Haruna held a faint smile yet hid it immediately.   "Now if it pleases you your highness. I wouldn't hold you up any longer. I know you have a lot of work in store for tomorrow, and I'll have to clean up the floor before retiring for the night. I can inspect the measurements in the morning. If I can find the ends of the lines that is."   Suddenly Janus remembered where he was.   "Right... My apologies Lady Haruna. Have a good night, and thank you for all that you've done today."   "The pleasure is mine."   Janus left with his heart thumping in his chest. Partly from thinking of all the things he can do with his newly found talent, and party from staying in a girl's room for far too long.   He was hardly able to sleep that night. # Janus was half asleep in his meeting with the council. He mind was racing as he reviewed the plans and ledgers presented to him by his assistants from the Elders of each group. Everyone asked him if he was okay, and if he needed time to rest. He shrugged them all off saying that he just needed more servings of tea. To which everyone gave him a pitcher or two, almost force feeding him till he was full.   The truth was, he was so excited that he spent the night reading his introductory book of spells.   His first class of the day wasn't any better. He would be saying something to the class, before drifting off entirely into different topics. One moment he'll be lecturing math problems to the children, and the next he would talk about food recipes and sewage treatment facilities. His students would try to stop him at every turn, but his mind was racing. The next thing he knew he was writing arcane symbols on the board.   "Prince Janus, sir your highness. Can we get back to the Lady with the lost fruits again?" one of his dwarven students would say.   The next class was a special topic where he specifically discussed the political theories that they were establishing in Wayward Home. All the Elders and council members were present in the class, as well as those who want to know more on the topic. It was how he propagated his ideas to everyone in the village, and hereby strengthening their relations with each other. Most countries in Galedon were living in either under an aristocratic or a monarch type of system, where the serving class were being ruled by the elite. They however, wanted to steer away from that. Seeing all the pain and suffering that it had brought to the lower classes, they knew it wasn't the right choice. In this session they devised systems and theorized tax prices to evaluate whether or not they were doing the right decisions. Janus lectured on various types of democracies while everyone brainstormed and checked all of their laws in order to suit the needs of their people.   Unsurprisingly, Haruna attended the lecture. She was seated beside Yvaine, who looked more excited than ever. This meant only one thing, she had already told her sister what happened last night.   When classes were over, Haruna came over to him.   "Are you ready for your first lesson?" she said.   "I'm afraid I can't. I'll be foreseeing the cleansing efforts in Master Nikolai's plot together with the alchemists."   "Perfect then. I'll be moving their pond again today. You must come and observe my work, perhaps I can teach you a few simple spells or two."   "Wait, I thought you were supposed to be further south with the I'reen to help them with their wells? Chieftess Kyassa personally sent a request for you. What happened to that?"   "I postponed, saying that I have an appointment with the Prince on his administrative duties. I've already sent a message to one of the town heralds. I'm sure it could wait a day or two."   "I don't think that's a good idea to cancel appointments like that on a whim."   "You're one to talk. Look at you, already carrying your book of spells. I can see you've bookmarked them. I say you're ready for lessons."   Janus sighed. "You got me, let's go then."     # Janus and Haruna stood on top of the pond in Master Nikolai's plot. It looked more like a ditch. There was not a lot of water left, and --after Haruna had canceled her previous appointment-today would be the final session of clearing out the water so that their supply can be replenished and cleansed once and for all.   There were two tanks behind them. Haruna stood with her staff in front of her, ready to execute the spell she had been using for days. Janus was beside her, in a similar position but instead of a staff he had the book of spells opened in front of him. He clutched it with his left hand, on his right was a glass of water, which was half full of water.   "Now do you remember what you saw last night? During the Ritual? The space that you created is what we call the Wellspring of Power. It is what we visualize when trying to draw the arcane. You have to concentrate and feel yourself taking a drop of energy from the well, once you have done that you can then redirect it to do your bidding."   "Seems simple enough, but I've read the explanation. I've closed my eyes plenty and never got a drop of water to move."   "Well of course, that's why you need a teacher. Each lesson in the College of Whisperwind begins with a demonstration, and that's what were going to do right now. Look carefully, and do as I say."   Janus nodded.   "As I connect with my Wellspring to do my spell, you need to connect with yours as well."   "Wait, how do I connect with my Wellspring again?" Janus said.   Haruna rolled her eyes. "Visualize, I told you to purposefully visualize. Have you done the exercises on the primer?"   Janus heard a few men snickering from the distance. Haruna always had an audience whenever she did her magic. It was mostly children from his class, although there were a few teens and adult onlookers as well. Mr. Nikolai tried to shoo them off every time, but it was no use. The crowd kept swelling. Especially now that he was there with her.   "Janus, stop getting distracted. Concentrate!" Haruna said.   "Yes of course. Lady Haruna, and yes I've read the exercises."   "Then watch what I do, and you can do the same to the glass of water."   Haruna closed her eyes and twirled her staff.   Janus watched and visualized within himself. He remembered the thousands of lights and colors that he saw during the ritual, and some sort of connection happened between the two of them.   Haruna reached out and lifted her staff, pulling water from the ground in a graceful slither. Janus could now see the lines of aether that moved the water. It was similar to what he saw on the circles scribbled that night. It had the same colors of energy that he saw during the ritual. So this was how they were able to tap into their wellspring. Janus could see that Haruna carefully moved the lines with her gestures and with her mind. As she waved her wand the water moved obediently, flowing from the pond to the tank in a seamless way. It was as if an invisible hose was guiding it.   After a few breaths she said. "Now you try it."
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