Chapter 5

650 Words
Aria's POV               He was perfect and we had endless things to talk about. He was proving himself quite worthy of breaking the rules for. We were talking on the balcony when a cold wind blew by and I shivered. He noticed instantly. "Do you want to go inside?"He asked a little worried. "I would love but it's a little noisy and i doubt we'd be able to continue our conversation" I replied. "I have a bar upstairs are you interested" "You don't have to ask me twice" We locked arms as he lead me up the spiral stairs to the bar.  "Drink?" "Gin" He poured us both a glass of gin bombay sapphire.This stuff is pretty expensive in my time. I took a sip and savored the taste. "So we've been talking for the past hour and i don't know a single thing about you" He stated. "What do you want to know" "For starters your last name." "Oda, Aria Oda" "As in Nobunaga Oda" I nodded "I guess the family love for guns is hereditary" "You know about that" "You could say i'm a little Samurai geez" "Your secrets safe with me" I giggled. *Time skip* "What was your childhood like?" "Both my parents adore me , my mom wanted me to a be a ballerina but i took after my dad and studied guns" "Daddy's girls i see , well I'm an orphan but my adopted parents raised me well , I'm quite grateful for them and i got my love of guns from my mother she was a marine" "In a relationship?" "Not even beating around the bush " I chuckled "Hey , i gotta know what i'm up against" "No" "Good so that means i have  a chance" "And what makes you so sure" "Why wouldn't i have a chance" Our faces were so close that i smelt the gin in his breath but our moment was cut short as his butler walked in. "Sir , the party has ended and the guests are leaving " He stated. "Well guess that's my cue to go" I stated grabbing m bag. "We did drink a lot o why not stay here" He offered. "I appreciate the offer but i would rather not be on the cover of a magazine as the Japanese beauty that seduced the dream husband of many young ladies" "I'll call you a driver" He offered. "I'm fine honestly" He walked me to my car and i got in. "Drive safe" He said. I nodded and drove off into the night on my way home. Xander's POV:  Ed sheeran's song has never been more accurate the bar is the place to find a lover. I watched her car until it disappeared from sight.  I turned around to see Jared , my butler smirking. " See you found the one sir" "Maybe" "Did you get her number" "I knew i was missing something" I said angrily running my fingers through my hair. "Would you like me to investigate her" "No that would probably freak her out besides i'm sure we'll run into each other  soon" I went upstairs took a shower and went to bed with Aria to accompany me in my dreams.Nothing could ruin this moment d i felt like my days would be a little brighter as of tonight. I felt like i walked with a like more bounce in my step. I s this what finding your soulmate feels like? Aria's POV: My first meeting Xander was amazing and i couldn't wait to tell  Zoe about it when i got home bet she would be thrilled.I parked in the garage and took the elevator to my apartment. I couldn't help by smile the way there bet a few people who say me thought i was nuts but at this very moment  i don't care as long as Xander starting to like me.
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