Twenty seven

1372 Words

Emma’s days began to pass by slowly, a pace that she would have never imagined possible since her whole like for the past few months have been unbelievable . And now She spends her time either in school or at the office and deciding to use her evening to check up on her mom. And Mrs Layla, God bless her, kindly provided the clinic where her mom was staying with an iPad that she could call 24/7 to the clinic. There were times Emma would call just to take a look at her mom; she could see that she was awake. Emma talked to her about her school life and how she got an internship at a good company. trying her best to reassure her mom she was doing fine in New York, or more like she was trying to reassure herself, as Emma was trying to be strong for both of them. “Thank you so much, Mrs.

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