
1002 Words

"Honey, are you sure there isn't anything wrong?" Layla asks Emma, but Emma denies it, knowing it might cause problems. "No, no, I'm good. I just wanted to check on mom, but I'm glad you picked her up since she is asleep." "No problem, dear. You can call her later in the day. I'm coming to New York in a few days. I have a meeting in Hong Kong, but I want to stop by. A few things, and maybe get a glimpse of the baby bump?" he asked with hope, and that made Emma smile sadly. "Of course, ma'am. You know, I can't deny you a visit. I actually want to come to L.A. soon, and this is good timing. I will be graduating soon, and I want to come see my mom. If that's alright with you", she asked Lyla calmly, hoping she wouldn’t notice anything amiss. "You don't need to ask me that, and of course,

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