Forty four

1116 Words

Emma had woken up happily in Rowan’s arms as she thought back to the whole week that they had spent together in his room. Of course, she still had work and also school, but any time he came home, she would prepare him dinner or order takeout, and they would have the best time of their lives. “Good morning,” Rowan called, kissing her on the forehead before he rose to take a shower. She was tempted to join, but she knew she had to get early to work, so she quietly walked back to her room to get ready. In record time, she was ready and dressed up, as was Rowan, who had started making coffee and the usual fast breakfast Emma had whipped up. He ate quickly, with a dashing smile on his face that never once left his face, then thanking Emma with a kiss as they both went downstairs, and Emm

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