Chapter 2

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A WEEK has passed. Justin was about to sit in the driver's seat when the helper stopped him. "Sir, your father said the driver will take you to the airport," the helper said. Justine cursed. He woke up early to pack and go alone, but his father had other plans. "Tell him I will go alone," Justin said and faked a smile. "The driver will take you to the airport, young man," his father said while standing near the double doors. Christopher looked at his son and crossed his arms. He walked down the stairs and intently stared. "I can go alone, Dad," Justin said. He was starting to get annoyed. He wanted to leave the house peacefully. "No, I don't trust you. Fidel, go and take Justin to the airport," Christopher said. Justin felt a slight pang of pain in his heart. Hearing that his father doesn't trust him felt like a huge blow. Justin quietly exited his car and went to the family car they had. He didn't speak to his father nor glanced at him. He closed the door and leaned on the window. Fidel, their family driver, pitied Justin. He was a lonely child, and he understood why he did it, but he had orders to follow. "Sir Justin, we're here," Fidel said and parked at the designated parking area of the airport. Justin opened his eyes and took his ear pods out of his ears. "I bid you safe skies, Sir," Fidel said and handed him the luggage. "We will surely miss you in the house," he added with a hint of sadness in his voice. Justin gave him a small smile. He was close with the maids and drivers because they were his companions when his parents weren't around the house. "Thank you, Fidel," he said. EMB INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Justin went inside carrying his luggage. He waited for his flight to Isla Dela Merced to be called. After waiting for almost an hour, Justin boarded the plane. The stewardess began to give its instructions, but Justin wasn't listening. When the plane takes off, for one last time, he watches the City he loved and hated at the same time. "Three months, Justin. It'll pass by quickly," he whispered. After ten hours, Justin arrived at JT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. He got his bag and went out feeling a little jetlag. Justin noticed a boy around his age was carrying a placard with his name on it. He approached the boy, who smiled at him. "Justin Fernandez?" the man asked. Justin nodded his head. "Dude, welcome here," he added and tapped his shoulder. "Is this all you got? By the way, I'm Jacques," he said and pointed at Justin's luggage. "Yeah," Justin replied. "Cool, I'll take it," Jacques said and put the luggage on the back of the car. Justin went inside the passenger seat and waited for Jacques. "How many hours until we arrive at Isla Dela Merced?" Justin asked. "Around two to three hours," Jacques replied. "You can take a nap, dude. It's a long ride," he added and started the car's engine. "Thanks," Justin simply said as he could feel his head ached. Jacques turned on the radio. A country road song played, and he adjusted the volume so the man next to him could sleep comfortably. Justin looked outside for the scenery until he fell asleep. "Hey, dude. We're here," Jacques said. Justin opened and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and saw a mansion in front of him. He remembered it; clearly, it was his grandmother's house. The one he stayed in when he was a child. "Nana! Your grandson's here!" Jacques yelled. An older woman went out of the house and smiled widely when she saw Justin. "Justin!" she said. She immediately opened the gate and hugged her grandson. "Hello, Grandma. How are you? I miss you," Justin said. The woman in front of her was Annabelle Fernandez, his father's mother and the one who took care of him when his parents weren't around. "I miss you too, child! Let's go inside first," Annabelle said. "Jacques, thank you for fetching my grandson," she added. Jacques smiled at her and parked the car inside. He also helped Justin with his luggage. "Here, Jacques, take this," Annabelle said and handed him money. "Thanks for this, grandma," Jacques said. Annabelle messed his hair up and watched him leave the house. "How's your flight?" she asked Justin. "Good, Grandma. I just felt a little dizzy," Justin said and sat on the couch. "I heard what happened from your mom," she said and sat beside him, rubbing his back. "So, you believe the news? That I started the fight?" he asked. "No," Annabelle said. "How could my innocent grandson do that? It's a ridiculous claim! You are a kind child, and I know you will never hurt anyone without reason," she added softly. Justin chuckled. "But Dad won't listen to me," Justin said, complaining like a child in front of his grandmother. "I tried talking to him about it, but your father was stubborn. He's hell-bent on sending you here," Annabelle said and sadly smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything, but rest assured, I will make your stay here memorable, my grandson," she added. "Thank you, Grandma," Justin said. "You can go to the sea if you want. I'll let Jacques accompany you," Annabelle said. The mansion of Annabelle Ronquillo on Isla Dela Merced was thirty minutes near the ocean. "Maybe later, grandma, I'm tired. I want to rest first," Justin said. The older woman smiled at him. "Of course. You know where your room is, right? It's still there," Annabelle said. Justin nodded his head and looked upstairs. He kissed his grandmother's cheeks and went to his room. When he opened the door, the room was still the same as what he remembered in his memories when he was still a kid. It was well-maintained, and his toys and drawings were still in the corner. Justin put the luggage aside and plopped down the bed. "Well, home sweet home for three months," he whispered and heaved a sigh. Justin's phone suddenly rang. When he looked at the screen, it was his mother. Justin immediately accepted the call. "Hello, Mom?" he said. "Justin! Did you arrive at your grandmother's house safely?" Agatha worriedly asked her unico hijo. "Yes, Mom. I'm resting right now. I'm exhausted because of the flight," Justin said. "Good, good," Agatha replied. "I'm sorry, son. I will do everything to clean your name. Just bear with it for a while, okay?" she added. Justin found out from his mother that they were trying to get a copy of the CCTVs inside the club where the brawl happened and talked to some clubgoers about what really was the truth. "Thank you, Mom," he said and ended the call. He threw his phone to his side and closed his eyes, letting the sleep consume him.
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