Chap 45: New journey

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“Oh my gosh, I just picked it up from an ultrasound room and it’s already full of backpacks.” Looking at the backpack full of medical equipment, Belle frowned, picked up the backpack strap, Trac The Giai immediately exclaimed: "You stand still, the backpack is so heavy, now I'm only more than two months pregnant, to she wears it.” "Oh yes!" Although Belle does not feel that this item is difficult, but if Trac The Giai wants to help her, she is also happy. The two of them were busy in the ultrasound room, so no one noticed outside the sixth floor emergency door, Alice popped in the door, saw everything. Now she was leaning against the wall, grinning. Sure enough, Belle was pregnant, if not a lot of medical equipment in the hospital did not take it, why did she silently bring the ultrasound machine with Trac The Giai? Now Belle's belly is not big, definitely a few months. Based on Bruce Lee's words, Belle and Lor have only known each other for more than two months, so this baby is definitely not Lor's. Unless Belle and Lor just got to know each other on their first day in bed. It's not like no one you just met has gone to bed, but Belle and Lor aren't that loose. Confident Alice absolutely on this. Alice regained her composure and quietly left. Belle and Trac The Giai carried the ultrasound machine down from the sixth floor and out of the emergency room hall. At this time, many zombies from other places are dragging over here. Belle controlled the two watermen to kill slowly, then with Trac The Giai ran to the Jeep parked outside, Trac The Giai opened the trunk and exclaimed: "Belle, there are so many things, how can I get rid of this?" "Drop it all out." Belle did not say wrong, went up to put all the things out. The things she collects along the way, to the uninitiated and the brave are as precious as gold, but for Belle, she just needs to move her finger. While she was throwing things out, Lor's group led the Peter brothers out. Behind Mr. Bi, his subordinates followed, each one cautiously holding a baby with a very funny face. Belle turned her head to look back, immediately thinking of a good way to not waste things; She waved at the doctors and nurses: "Come over here, eat these for me." She pointed out biscuits, mineral water, snacks, chocolate... which were thrown on the ground. Those doctors and nurses have been starving for a long time, and have survived until now by drinking glucose and physiological saline. Even though they ate some food given by the thugs just now , it was completely useless for such people who have been hungry for so long. So the group of doctors and nurses saw food on the ground, everyone's eyes lit up, went over and started eating. The last survivors saw this and rushed in like a hungry tiger, and some even tried to steal cookies from the nurse Luong Tieu Ky. Belle raised her hand with a stiff face, knocking the guy to the ground. She sneered, crushed the chocolate bar with her feet: "These things, even if I throw them on the ground and don't eat, you are not allowed to pick them up!" The milk powder that could not be eaten would rather spill on the ground than leave it to the children, this kind of person, Belle soon disliked it. What she did was just tit-for-tat. Belle looked over and suddenly saw Luong Tieu Ky's adoring face. The girl stuffed cookies into her mouth, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and looked at Belle like an idol. Vengeance, revenge, all anger and dissatisfaction in her heart are avenged by Belle. “What are you looking at? Still want to eat?” Not knowing what to think now in Luong Tieu Ky's heart, Belle took out a bag of snacks from the back trunk, stuffed it into the nurse's lap, "Take it, each of you take a bag, I clean it up. Will pack later.” "Brother Diep, isn't that too much?" Alice had walked beside Lor, watching Belle herself give the doctors and nurses a bag and then another big bag, whispering to Lor, "We throw it away. and looking for things, do you let Belle give it to someone else?" "It was us and Belle, Ly Tieu Vu, Tam Nguyet found it, not you!" Lor stopped walking, turned to the side to look at Alice, eyes filled with anger, involuntarily loud, annoyed, "Also, I've wanted to say for a long time, we are not very familiar, you just keep going. call me Mr. Diep, Mr. Diep, are you keeping an eye on me?! Don't, he has someone in his heart, and he doesn't like you either." Lor is a straight man like a horse's intestines, his mind is too simple, in his heart, he says what he says, and doesn't bother to think about the shyness of a girl. Moreover, he also vaguely realized that Alice's attitude towards Belle was increasing, and even had a feeling of deliberately causing trouble, so Lor felt frustrated in his heart, and his voice became louder and louder, so loud that everyone Everyone here hears it. “I…” Alice looked at Lor in amazement, stamping her foot, “You misunderstood, Mr. D… Lor, I didn't look at you, I, I just…” Now was not the time to point out . bare Belle's true face. Alice promptly swallowed back what she was about to say about Belle's pregnancy, she looked at Belle again. Belle did not pay any attention to her, but was discussing with Trac The Giai how to put the ultrasound machine and other medical equipment in. So Alice blushed, lowered her head, resentfully walked back to her car in front of so many people staring at her. And Lor didn't feel like he had humiliated a girl. He stepped forward, put his arm around Belle's shoulder, pulled Belle back, leaned against her, and whistled, "Are you done moving, can you go?" "Let's go." Belle hides Lor leaning against her, forcing him to stand up and slamming the hand that was draped over her shoulder. Seeing that Trac The Giai had finished packing and closed the trunk, she immediately returned to the co-driver's seat. Waiting until Lor got into the driver's seat and started the car, Belle then asked quite calmly: "What happened to you and Alice just now? Farewell?" “Oh, can your mouth not make fun of me? You and her broke up? Who and who?" "Oh no break up?" "Whatever comes out of your mouth has changed, let me try it today and see what it tastes like." Lor was driving, listening to Belle intentionally misrepresent his words, one hand on the wheel, the other on Belle's neck. She was confused, tilted her head and turned to look when Lor leaned over, kissed Belle's small mouth, the tip of her tongue slipped in and out a few times, then let go of Belle, laughing so much, "The taste of saliva doesn't taste good. changed, still sweet.” "..." Belle didn't have time to react, her mouth was still open, dumbfounded, staring at Lor, it took a long time to regain her spirit, swinging her fist to hit him, " Lor, you want to die, don't you, Dare to play tricks with her, I will beat you to death!!!” "Ha ha ha ha..." On the way back, there were more laughter and joy than when going, sometimes there was the cry of Bi's subordinates. "Okay, he's pissing, he's pissing on me." "You hold the child carefully, clumsy hands and feet no wonder you're so old that you can't find a wife and give birth to children." "ASIAN!!! Save it and poop." When the group is having fun, the survivors also get cars to follow. There are many zombies along the way, but the To - Diep group has picked it up first, are these zombies get to the back end. Anyway, there was a Tam Nguyet hugging Due Due to kill a few lucky zombies that ran to the back. However, these people had been hungry for a long time, so when they passed by the big supermarket where Trac The Giai used to collect powdered milk, they smartly separated from To - Diep's fleet. Anyway, they can't share the food, they'd rather take advantage when some To - Diep people clean up the zombies along the way, go to the supermarket to take up space. The group of worms wanted to go, of course the To - Diep team did not keep. They killed their zombies, killed them all, got in the car and left. Along the way, they did not meet any living people anymore, if nothing changed, after nearly a day and night, they would arrive outside the Apple villa before dawn. The closer to the Apple mansion, the fewer zombies on the road, and in the end, not one is seen. Instead, there was a convoy of cars in front, preparing to enter the big gate of Apple's villa. There is an obstacle in front of the main gate, and there are even a few sandbags stacked behind it, the car that wants to enter the Apple villa must go into each car one by one. A few people behind the barricade were chatting with the owner of the first car. Belle sat in the co-driver's seat, and began to look sleepy at the convoy ahead. Erik Kelly came out from the first car, who was wearing a black sports suit, so far away that healthy figure still stood out from the crowd just like before, vaguely making one enveloped in emotions. sense cannot be ignored. He was chatting with the gatekeeper, a woman came out from the passenger seat, put on a sweater, came over to say a few words, this person pulled the barricade out of the way, giving Erik Kelly and the convoy behind. back passes. "Someone's still alive in my mansion." Beside him, Lor in the driver's seat cracked his neck, his bones creaking. Belle "yeah" with a "whatever", lay back in the co-driver's seat, instructing Lor: "If you get asked for something later, don't pay attention to them, just rush in!" In the group of survivors organized by Lion Kelly, there is a written statement that clearly states that in order to join, all belongings must be submitted, all, not part. Perhaps within the few days she left, there were many survivors who joined. Their team seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, even the main gate of the Apple mansion was occupied by these people. Lor tilted her head to look at Belle, pressed the accelerator, entered the line with Erik Kelly's motorcade, and was about to enter the villa when a person behind an obstacle, with a badge on his sleeve. “Hello, do you want to come in? Please hand over all the equipment.” The person who stopped the car was a male student, about 20 years old, with an innocent look on his face. Lor rolled down the car window and lifted his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, intending to reason first: "We used to live in it, let's go home now." “Living inside?” The male student who stood in the way looked at Lor suspiciously. The camouflage uniform on his body is a bit like the person next to the house of the To family. But he had never seen Lor in or out of the mansion before, so he said with a serious face, quite proudly: "How do you prove that you used to live here? You must know that our apple villa is the safest place, protected by special forces, zombies definitely can't appear around here. I thought I could get in with that outfit, no way! You have to register all the members' information then hand over all the food." “I say, since when do you have this rule? What if I don't hand it over?" The polite smile on Lor's face slowly disappeared. You've only been out for a few days, since when was your den taken by someone else, and you were forced to hand over all your food? In the past few days, you have been running the era of decadence, and no one has dared to ask for your things, moreover, have your people protected this Apple mansion? “This is a rule set by our leader. If you don't hand over all your food, you won't be allowed in!" "Enlarged!!!" Belle, sitting in the co-driver's seat, heard the boy say the word "leader", couldn't help but laugh. She tilted her head outside, through the car window next to Lor, looked at the other kid and asked: "Is your leader Lion Kelly?" "Yes." “Is he the leader??? Tell him to die! The leader huh? What's the point, do not have the courage to put on the face to threaten others. Claim all the food? Feed you or feed him? Lor, come inside!” Belle patted Lor lightly on the shoulder. He turned his head to glare at her, looking both surprised and angry, stepping on the accelerator. The front of the car immediately appeared a big fire, the car brought the fire sky, quickly rushed towards the main gate of the Apple villa. With a "bang" sound, the main gate of the Apple villa that the survivors still prided themselves on was burned clean. Lor 's car rushed inside in a flash. “Lion Kelly? My boyfriend???” As he stepped on the gas pedal, Lor tilted his head to look at Belle, his voice suddenly questioning, "Why is he still here?" “Why can't he stay here?” Belle yawns, laughing, lying on the chair, “I found this refuge, unexpectedly, on the first day of the era of decadence, Lion Kelly followed Erik Kelly - his brother ran to him. this. Originally, I wanted to kill Lion Kelly, but with respect to his brother, agreed that as long as he remained in the Apple mansion for one day, I would leave him a life." At this point, Lor brought Belle inside the mansion. His car soon left the normal road leading to the To family's house and ran to the deepest part of the area. The fleet of cars following behind also rushed in like bandits. The main door of the Apple villa immediately became chaotic, even Erik Kelly's team who had just entered the house ran out to check the movement. But Erik Kelly saw that the first car was Belle's Jeep, so he did not overreact, calling his team to continue the old job. On this side, Lor suddenly heard the name Lion Kelly, in her heart extremely sad, angry, a fast-paced driving circuit, not intending to release Belle to reunite with her parents at this time. When he heard Belle's explanation, Lor slammed on the brakes. Their car was parked on a deserted road, overgrown with trees. The surroundings were relatively quiet, and there were no junk cars following behind. Lor frowned, looked at Belle's calm face beside him, and asked, "How long have you known Lion Kelly lived here?" "I've known for a long time." "I know it's been a long time since you told me?" "I What if you don't tell me?" "Older brother…!" Lor opened her mouth, slightly ruffled by the short hair on her head. At this point, he didn't know what to say, he hesitated. Under Belle's curious and expectant eyes, Lor thought for a long time before continuing: "I... I just thought that your boyfriend was dead, so I couldn't wait to tell you my true feelings deep in the bottom. your heart. That night, I really couldn't help but touch you. But now that Lion Kelly is not dead, why does he feel that it is difficult to get promoted. Until I had the feeling that the name was righteous, now he became the third person." If she hasn't confessed, Lor can still take the name of "adoptive brother" by her side. Now, is this so messed up that it makes you go from being a grown man to a third person? “I fainted!” Belle's eyes widened involuntarily, "You spent half a day trying to tell me this? What about deep feelings in the heart? You're also very literary!" “You are telling the truth. Lion Kelly is my boyfriend, what are you?! Suddenly there is a guy in the way, thinking that you will get a good deal when the era of decadence comes, what to do now? If you give it up, you can't give it up, the fatty meat is in your mouth, this man definitely can't give it to Lion Kelly. I'm your intimate sister, you tell me what to do? (1) Literally using the word***** two meanings: 1. biological sister, 2. intimate sister (kiss on the lips). Used here in the sense of number 2. Called a piece of fatty meat by Lor , Belle glared at him for a long time. Seeing that Lor was extremely confused, she couldn't help but happily asked: "If not... will you go kill Lion Kelly?" “Okay? You let me kill you?" “Of course. You killed him, it also helped ease my burden." Also solves the potential threat to Tieu Ai – his daughter. Belle shrugged, nodding carelessly. She also just casually said it, teasing Lor. Unexpectedly, Lor really pursed her lips, thought about the possibility, finally shook her head and said decisively: "That's not right. This is so inhumane. You robbed his girlfriend, and did that kind of infamous thing to kill people, he's not a bad guy." “Phew… Ha ha ha.” Belle lifted her head and smiled, seemingly delighted by Lor's words. The times have come to this point, and when it comes to being humane to someone like Lion Kelly, who does he deserve? Is he worthy to be called a human?! Belle doesn't argue with Lor either. Now in everyone's eyes, Lion Kelly is the merciful Father. But one day, Lion Kelly will surely reveal his evil side. After she finished laughing, Belle sniffed her nose, raised her finger, and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was much more serious, and finally said bluntly, “ Lor, I've been thinking very seriously about the matter between us these past few days. Honestly, I don't really understand your thoughts, why are you… I don't want to give you any hope. Times are chaotic, my wish is very small, I just want to protect my whole family. Emotionally, I have no intention of diving into it again. Now is the time to finish my business, if you have a better way out then go." Belle is a very complicated person. Thinking and brain reactions are much more complex than simple thinkers like Lor. So Belle is aware that, perhaps just a casual statement of hers, Lor will also consider it a holy grail to carry out. Belle doesn't feel that good, she doesn't want to use Lor to do anything for her. This time out to save Trac The Giai, she felt that the relationship between her and him was just a cooperative relationship of mutual benefit. She saves people, also helps Lor group kill zombies. Lor helped her save people, but his group also obtained many crystal cores. Moreover, in the era of decadence, the person who leads a mighty team like Lor is the object of competition of the forces. Alice is very smart, knows how to strike first; Belle's ambition is not great, not wanting to use all the tricks to be with Lor. She didn't want him to be with her to suffer, listening to her wrong and wrong. Water flows in a low place, people always aim for heights. Lor is capable, has a good starting point, has a support team, continues to develop, and later is the second and third core talent in the base. Why not the number one talent?! His intelligence is not enough, only good ability, lack of qualifications to be the number one talent. For a moment, the atmosphere was eerily quiet. Belle took a deep breath, spoke clearly, then turned, opened the door next to the passenger seat, and walked out. This is the deepest part of the villa, it seems that no survivors have set foot here. Fallen leaves mixed with snow particles on the ground, and the sound of rustling footsteps was made. Belle was about to go for a walk, dismissing the quiet seriousness of the moment. She had barely stepped out of the car two steps, when Lor ran up to her, hugged her from behind, lifted Belle up, and slammed her into the car with a thud. “Impossible, Belle. This time I came for you. Just now, he made his thoughts clear. You understand what I say. Don't want to sink any further, right? You don't want me to follow you, do you? Huh! I will try to live and die with you, not only follow you, but also watch you. What the hell is a boyfriend? From today, you are mine! You won't give in to anyone!"
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