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Red Inferno Club New York City The whole sky was filled with darkness. After a long day of travel, Lauren had reached the end of her quest, but unfortunately, she was once again denied good fortune. "I appreciate that you considered seeing me. Does that imply that you're taking the job I'm offering you, Lauren?" The woman in her late forties carefully lowered her glasses on the table and then looked back up at Lauren. Lauren had no choice but to take Tracey Edmonds' offer. Even though she really didn't want to leave Cole, she had to because if she didn't find a way, they would both starve to death. She promised their parents that she would take good care of Cole. She did not want to betray the trust they had given her. Her parents passed away in a car accident only a year ago. As a result, she was left in charge of providing for their family, particularly Cole, her younger brother. Unfortunately, the work she did to make ends meet was insufficient to meet their necessities. "Yes, I accept it," Lauren answered immediately, without hesitation. But her face couldn't hide the apprehension and fear. "That's good to hear from you. Lord Hendricks will surely be very pleased," the woman said with one corner of her mouth lifted. Lauren's heart pounded hard for no apparent reason each time she heard that name. She was familiar with it, as the Hendricks were among the wealthiest families in the world and were frequently mentioned in the press. She was covered in blood and found in the middle of the road five years ago by Alpha Drake and his wife, Madeline. The police investigation stated that a speeding car hit her. Unfortunately, the culprit abandoned her and fled. The doctor said Lauren experienced amnesia. They further say that because the event severely damaged some of the most important areas of her brain, there was no set period when her memory would return. Since no one had been able to identify Lauren except for a handkerchief they discovered with a name embroidered on it, which they assumed to be her identity, Alpha Drake and Madeline decided to adopt her. Lauren owed them so much because if it weren't for them, she might not have been able to experience the second life that heaven had bestowed upon her. "Just assure me that you'll look after my brother. Please keep him safe no matter what happens." Now that Lauren would be separated from Cole for a long time, she needed to make sure he would be secure. "Oh, sure! You know me, Lauren. You can always count on me, so you have nothing to fear," the woman replied and grinned once more, but it seemed to be conveying a negative message. The Red Inferno is the largest and most well-known club in all of New York City, and it was run by Tracey Edmonds, one of the loyal subordinates of the Hendrick's. She was also referred to as the Black Butterfly because, despite her outward beauty, she posed a threat to everyone, especially those who dared to oppose her. Lauren gripped her skirt tightly with both hands and said, "Thank you very much. I promise I will work hard." In actuality, Lauren was terrified. She had to face her dread head-on to protect her dear brother, even though it was growing stronger. "I'm glad I can be of any assistance. I know that you are aware that helping individuals just like you is one of my key goals. At least I have a purpose for other people," Tracey stated. "Am I right, Lauren? Lauren only smiled bitterly at Tracey. Yes, that was all she could do to help Cole. ***** "Here we are!" "Wow! The house is so huge, big sister!" Cole's eyes almost popped out at the sight of the huge mansion. Wonder flooded his eyes as he saw its appearance. "Are we going to live there, big sister?" Cole exclaimed with joy in his voice. He was staring at what had previously just been the details of his fantasies without blinking. Lauren's lips turned into a smile that mixed bitterness and joy. "Yes, it will be your new home from now on," Lauren answered as she lowered her face to look at Cole. "Wow! Really, big sister?" Cole was still in great awe at everything. Lauren felt her tears trickle out of the corner of her eyes, but she looked forward once again before they could. "It is, of course! Did I not swear to you that I would do everything in my power to ensure that you had a bright future? Therefore, you will gradually realize all of your dreams starting at this very moment." Lauren made an effort to speak in a full, powerful voice to the very end of each word. Their parents' deaths were devastating, especially to Cole. Lauren was obviously aware that he was still finding it difficult to accept what had transpired. Despite everything, she saw how hard it was for him to overcome his melancholy and longing—something she was unable to achieve. Their mom and dad would undoubtedly be extremely proud of him if they were still alive. If only she possessed Cole's bravery. "I promise, I will study hard, big sister." Cole instantly lifted his head and smiled at Lauren, his eyes sparkling like stars at what she had said. Lauren reached down to look into Cole's eyes and gave him a gentle caress on the face. Her eyes began to brim up with tears, which finally broke into copious amounts; even though every touch from them was extremely warm, they held all of the pain that was slowly killing her every day as she opened her eyes. After all, Lauren ought to be accustomed to the kind of life she and Cole were leading, but up to that point, she was still finding it quite difficult to adjust to them. Lauren used to question heaven about why they were suffering so badly, arguing that poor individuals like them had no right or deserved to be happy even once in their lives. She could see just one thing every time the sun set: the darkness was stronger and more overwhelming than the light. "I'll look forward to that,” Lauren answered, giving Cole a tight hug. ***** Hendrick's Manor New York City Lauren was sweating heavily. She swallowed one after the other. The thumping in her chest ever since she walked into the Hendricks' manor has become much more intense. She breathed deeply as soon as she reached one of the rooms. She had a lot of sweat on her hands as she knocked. She didn't feel comfortable in that area. She had the impression that many eyes were observing her moves. “Finally, we meet again.” From inside the room, Lauren heard a deep, masculine voice. She could hardly see his face since the door was slightly open. “A-again? What do you mean?” Lauren asked, pondering. He spoke in a tone that suggested he had known her for a very long time. She wasn't sure if, in the ensuing seconds, she should be relieved or terrified. "You're still used to fooling people a great deal up until now. Oh, well, that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you will perform your job well; otherwise, I'll get rid of you immediately. Now then, why don't you start stripping each piece of your clothes, so we can test how much you can please me?" Lauren's eyes widened in surprise. She was shocked when she heard the man's statement. "You're wrong. I didn't come here for that matter. I'm here to—" when suddenly the man grabbed Lauren by her arm and dragged her into the room. "Please, you're completely mistaken. Please hear me out!" Lauren was not even allowed to explain; instead, the man tightened his hold on her arm, impeding her movement and threatening to harm her if she attempted to speak again. "Are you just going to stand there?! You heard what I said. Now, get yourself undressed; otherwise, I'll kill you!" Thunder and lightning raced across the sky as the man's words echoed from the corner of the room. Moments later, gusty winds and heavy rain began to fall. Lauren could see the spark of the lightning in his glazed eyes. She saw a monster ready to devour her. She could feel her entire body shaking heavily. Just as her hands started to move, she saw four women kneeling in front of her. Their mouths were gagged, their wrists and feet were bound, and they were not even wearing any clothes. Such sequences, Lauren believed, were reserved for motion pictures. Who in their right mind would be so cruel, especially to women? Their entire being was abused, not just their physical body. She sympathized with their situation, knowing that eventually she would suffer the same fate as them. A horrific fate from which she would not even be able to escape. "If you sympathize with yourself more than anything else, do everything I say, b***h!" The man gripped Lauren more tightly. His words were so powerful that no one would dare to oppose him. Lauren felt the man's fingers buried in her neck a few moments later. She didn't notice that he had trapped her until it was too late. She was so terrified that she lost awareness of her surroundings. She was left with no choice but to obey him. If she attempted to protest once again, there was no doubt that he would kill her immediately. Her brother's safety was the only thing on her mind at the time. Lauren reached the hem of her blouse, her hands trembling. She could feel the tears slowly welling up, but she was too terrified to even open her mouth to cry. "Dear Lord, please keep me safe." Lauren shook her head and slowly pulled her blouse up as she shut her eyes and trusted God for her safety. "I can't wait to f**k you, b***h!" the man exclaimed in a demonic manner. Lauren removed her blouse and followed her skirt until her underwear was all that was left. She could feel his hand slowly dipping down, causing her hands to shake even more. The moment she felt his finger enter her hole, she snapped her eyes open. The ache beneath Lauren nearly stopped her. The only thing she could do at the moment was submit. She would be shielded from his touch in this way. "What's holding you back? Don't tell me you are incapable of taking off your clothes by yourself. Just say so and I'll be the one to strip you, b***h!" The man gripped Lauren's face firmly, which he then moved closer to his face so he could see her expression. "We both know the type of work you're doing, so stop acting so naive. Therefore, it is best if you act in a way that is appropriate for your line of work and, most importantly, according to the amount you've been paid," the man firmly stated. He then moved his hand slowly down until he reached Lauren's breast, squeezing them hard. Lauren found herself unable to control her tears at that point. She longed to cry out for help, but there was nothing he could do at that moment. This was the monster's domain, and she was only its prey, available for consumption at any moment. The man once again drew his face nearer and gave Lauren a strong gaze. "Too bad, you have completely forgotten me. You need not worry, though, for I shall reclaim your body, soul, and dignity this time.” The man's words caused Lauren to open her eyes. Each letter emphasized how he said the words she had heard once, but she couldn't remember where or who they came from. "I don't understand a thing. Please let me explain," Lauren pleaded. She noticed the man's other mouth corner lifted. "You have no right to ask me questions or to express yourself. You are merely my slave; nothing more; nothing less. You are here to please me with your body. Now swear to me that I will be the only one who gains from you.” The man spoke as though he owned Lauren's entire being, not just her body. Every tiny bit of his possession that only he could claim was contained in his words. “I swear, my lord.” Lauren said nothing more than words of agreement, which went against everything in her emotions. “That’s more; I like it.” The man then licked Lauren's neck following those remarks. He bit it like a sweet dessert and sucked it. Her skin later developed a red mark. An indication that Lauren was now in his possession. He wouldn't even consider thinking twice about killing someone if they dared to take her from him.
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