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Cameron looked beside him at his five and seven years old children already dozing off to sleep. They should be in bed, but he couldn't leave them at home alone as he couldn't find a babysitter for the night. Their last nanny quit a week ago because she couldn't understand his kids. At least, that was the silly reason she gave when she submitted her resignation letter. Tonight, he had dinner with his family; his parents, grandmother, and sister, and he had told them he would be bringing his children over as well since he couldn't find someone to stay with them tonight. They should be in bed, not out here in his car sleeping. Thankfully, it wasn't a school night, so they would sleep in tomorrow morning. He should talk to his best friend; Lee, if he could talk to his wife for him. She ran an agency that hire people to work as temp in a company. Maybe she could get someone who was interested in working as his nanny or something. The car soon rolled to a stop and Mr. Paul; his driver said. "We're here sir.” Cameron looked up to see that they had stopped in front of the restaurant. “Thank you, Paul.” He thanked the older man, before looking at his son, Summer. He shook him awake. "Hey, Sum. Wake up, we're here now. Let's go see grandma.” Summer moved and then he opened his eyes to look at his father. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before nodding his head. "Okay, Daddy.” He said. Cameron started to shake his daughter awake after that. "Hey, Spring. Wake up, let's go see grandma and grandpa.” He said. Spring opened her eyes, her brown eyes like her mother’s stared up at him. "Let's go meet everyone.” He said again, and she nodded. They all got out of the car and he smoothened Spring’s dress before holding each of their hands and walking them to the restaurant. They walked into the restaurant and to the stairs that led up to the second floor where his family had rented the whole space for the night. That was definitely his mother’s doing, he knew. He shook his head and smiled. She was always wanting people to know that they were rich. When he had inherited the company five years, it had only been a company worth millions of dollars, but he had buried himself in work and made it into a billions of dollars company. He knew that his father was proud of what he had made the company into, but he couldn't be more proud of himself for staying sane in the process. Before they started up the stairs, his eyes went to a drama that was happening at the end of the restaurant, with a man standing in front of a woman he couldn't really see her face. He was talking loudly suddenly about how weird the woman dressed and he felt like dropping the hands of his children to go punch the hell out of him, but he couldn't do that. His life was an attraction for the press and paparazzi, so he couldn't afford to do that if he didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning to his face in every newspaper with an absurd headline to go with it. He always wondered why some men were ass to women, especially to the ones that loved them, and embarrassed them in public like this. Signing, he began to climb the stairs, his kids at either side of him. Soon, they got to the top of the stairs, and his kids removed their hands from him to run to their table where his family was already sitting down. Smiling, he walked to them and greeted everyone before taking his seat. His mother was still busy kissing Spring’s cheek that she didn't hear him greet her, and when she dropped her on the seat beside her, she looked at him and asked. "You don't think you should greet your own mother?” Cameron smiled with a shake of his head. "That's because you weren't focused on me when I came here. You were so busy with your grandbaby that you didn't notice me. If I didn't know better, I would say you don't love me as you used to.” He said. His mother rolled her eyes. "Cameron Ezekiel MacMillan, I don't think I raised you to whine like a child, did I?” she asked and everyone laughed. "He’s always whining like a crybaby.” His younger sister said, smiling, and their mother gave her a look that shut her up. “Hello to you too, Sarah,” Cameron said. "You look okay.” He said. Sarah grinned at her brother for teasing her, because teasing him right back. "You look like a tall alien with that nasty suit you have on.” She said. “Sarah Louisiana MacMillan, shut your mouth this minute, and let's eat.” Their father said and they all laughed. They started to join hands to pray for dinner, something Cameron minded doing. He wondered what the point was when his wife had died the way she did, but as usual, he kept his opinion to himself and close his eyes as his father said the prayers. Everyone else echoed their amen, but he didn't, his mind going right back to the woman downstairs whom the man had insulted. He couldn't even see her face, but he felt a tug in his heart for her. No one should go through that kind of humiliation in public. He shouldn't care, in fact, he didn't know why he does, but he did. Sighing, he shook his head mentally. That was their cup of tea anyway, not his. After the prayer was said, they started to eat, and his father asked. "Hey, Cam. How was the office today?” Drake loved to ask his son that every time they met because he loved the answer he got. He was really proud of his son, no matter what was happening in his life, like not thinking about settling again and just going out with various women who were only with him for his money. “It's going well, Father. The new wing we're building is almost done and we'll have the opening party soon.” He said. Emily smiled and rubbed her palms together. "Oh, that's good. I love the sound of a party. We should know the thyme soon so that we can prepare.” She said. Cameron looked at his mother with a smile at what she said. "Of course, Mom. I'll let you know.” He said. His grandmother chuckled and said to his mother. "Of course, you do, Emily. You don't seem to do anything these days other than shopping and going to parties.” "Mom, stop nagging my wife,” Drake said. “Yes, Dahlia, stop nagging at me. We should talk about Cameron getting a wife.” Emily said. Cameron stared at his mother and then at his father, before looking at his grandmother. Of course, he should have known that something was up when they asked him for dinner suddenly. God, he wasn't even in the mood to talk about this again, but he knew he had no choice but to listen through.
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