Terrible Liar

1186 Words
The next day and the day after was like every day with my normal routine   The king commanded to be left alone . I think he is still mourning the death of his unborn child.   The empress decided to visit her kingdom, so she could be with mother.now we are left with just the emperor and the two queens   Queen Malika who is a devil herself .she personally hates him because of my skin color .in case you don't know I'm dark, when I mean dark, I mean black.this is one of the reasons queen Malika hates me with real passion   She says my skin disgusts her, and she can't bare to see me . That's why I rarely go to her palace.   Queen talita the King's favorite .beauty, and fair to all her maids .she doesn't like trouble, perfect in all ways, but sadly, she couldn't bare the king a son like the other wives       After the incident with the emperor,, I tried all my possible best to avoid the kind presence   I was in the kitchen when one of the guards told me the emperor requested to see me. I froze at the moment.   So many thoughts were going through my head   “Has the king gotten his memories   “Will he kill or punish me" “Will he believe me if I tell him that I don't know how it happened"   “Will he think I took advantage of his drunken state"   All these were going through my head as I made my way to the emperor Chambers   I went in with all the courage I could gather   “Greetings my king you sent for me" “Yes, I did" “I heard you are the best massager in the palace”   “I won't call myself the best,, but I think I'm good to the call"   He stood up and look at me for a few seconds, trying to see if we could get some answers from me   I brought down my face and said a silent prayer   “Get the ointment ". he commanded   I quickly went for the ointment and sat on the floor close to the king's feet   I apply some ointment on my palm and reach out for the emperor feet .as soon as I lay my hands on the feet he made a sound which I couldn't understand .he close his eyes and commanded me to continue.I apply another ointment on my palm and went for the other feet.   I kept on massaging with my hands shaking . Praying for the king not to remember a thing.   “Why are your hands shaking”   I looked up and saw an angry and confused king   I'm a bit cold, I lied   But your hands are warm”   I nod my head and continue massaging his feet   So, I vomited on you that night, “he asked   “Yes my Lord”, I lied   “After that what else” .he asked   I could feel my heart beat increasing and my palms becoming sweaty   “You fell asleep immediately, I lied   “I woke up half naked" he said   Oh, that I chuckled nervously, without looking up at him   “In your drunk state you were complaining of the heat in the weather .so you started removing your clothes”, I left the room immediately”   The Chambers were quite for a moment and I could feel the king's staring at me trying to get some answers from me .but as a good actress, I kept on my act   “I wonder why can't I remember all this” he said   “You can leave I'm done with you" he commanded   I quickly stood up and left the chamber.I did not realize I was holding my breath     It's been a month now after the queen had her miscarriage   The empress is back, and the palace has gone back to its normal activities. The emperor and the empress started receiving guests and meeting .but as for me, I still hold this secret in my heart.   On my way to the store room I felt a bit dizzy and my stomach has been acting strange, not to talk of the constant weakness I've been having   I reached the store room and pack the grain of rice the cook requested, when suddenly the urge to throw up was unbearable.   I quickly rushed and ran to the backyard of the store room, and vomited   “This is strange”   “My body is acting strange "   “Was it what I ate?   But I didn't eat anything strange or new, so what could be the problem. I quickly clean up the mess and went back to the store room.   On my way back to the kitchen, one of queen kalika maids called out to me   “Melanin she shouted”   I turned around and saw her smiling at me   She walked up to me with a smile on her face   “You haven't done your hair already”   “For what”. I asked.   “Don't tell me you have forgotten about the dance festival tomorrow” Oh, that I answered”   “To be sincere, so many things have been on my head, so I couldn't even think about it "   “I thought they won't be any dance festival because of what happen to the empress " I asked   She laughed and said   “We can't just cancel a dance festival because of the empress misfortune "   “Shuuu close your mouth before someone hears you” I whispered   “But that's the truth” .she replied   “Even if my lady can't give the emperor an heir, at least she gave him a beautiful daughter. I can't say the same for the express”. She spoke proudly   I was angry but decided to keep my cool   “I'm leaving”. I said those words without looking back.   “Make sure to do your hair before tomorrow”. She shouted . I roll my eyes and kept walking,   One thing for sure, I'm not celebrating this festival, and I'm not making my hair   I wonder if I come celebrate like everyone .when I have this big secret with me .it keeps bringing me down .most times I tried remembering what happened after that drink, but the memories are still blank .the emperor hasn't said anything about that night, and I think he has really forgotten what happened. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and change things.   I've been making my self busy so that I can forget all that happened that night .but the memories keeps haunting me down. every night I go to bed with tears in my pillow. I started losing appetite, and I no longer eat or drink anymore .my system is suddenly changing, and I don't really know why. I'm becoming weak easily and lazy sometime, I do throw up.nobody has noticed anything from me, but I think I need to see the palace doctor for drugs.                        
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