WHIZ “Bellamy.” I nodded and set my eyes and three men already f****d up in the face. “Who else has joined our party?” I asked and removed my cut and gloves. Lucien and Razor were both leaning back on the far side of the room, seeming to just wait as if these guys were a threat. I didn’t want their blood to f**k up my vest and I wanted to make sure my knuckles were able to mark them up. This was going to be fun, even if they were all pretty much f****d up. “Just a couple of lackeys for someone’s little gang in the mid west.” Lucien said from the other side of the room and I saw him lower a bat between his knees. “Kids?” “Some found.” Razor said from beside Lucien. The four of us made the room a little tight. But before too long Bellamy had orders and stayed there with me so Razor and