2340 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN Sparky!” said Mr. Space. “Activate all of the hyperdrives and set our destination for HQ. Set the engines to maximum speed so we don’t waste any time.” “Yes, sir, Mr. Space,” said Sparky as he began pressing buttons and tapping touch screens. “Destination set. Hyperdrives activating even as we speak.” Beams was suddenly thrown from his feet. He landed on the floor, but managed to throw out his hands and arms in time to break the fall. Mr. Space, on the other hand, stood by him with his arms folded over his chest, as if he hadn’t felt the ship move. “Hey, are you okay?” said Mr. Space to Beams. “You fell pretty hard.” “I’m fine,” said Beams as he slowly rose back to his feet, dusting his costume off. “I just wasn’t prepared for that sudden lurch.” “Lurch?” Mr. Space rep

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