2981 Words

CHAPTER SEVEN A chill went down Beams’ spine just from looking at the Dread God’s Avatar. Its eyes, its face, its very appearance … everything about it suggested that it was not of this Earth. Beams had a strong urge to shoot the monitors, though he refrained from doing so, knowing just how useless that would be. “Who are you?” said Rubberman. He had taken a battle stance, even though the Avatar was only visible through the monitors and wasn’t actually here. “Did you not hear what your fellow human just said?” said the Avatar. “I am the Dread God’s Avatar, chosen by the Dread Priest to represent the Dread God in this mortal plane.” “Dread God’s Avatar?” Beams repeated. “Do you have a real name or—?” “Not anymore,” said the Avatar. “I abandoned my old name when I was chosen to be the D

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