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SABRINA Leaving Rose behind was one of my hardest decision to make in life, but then I knew it was something I had to do in order to provide her with the life she deserves. I want to ensure that she lacks nothing, that she has the life that she would have had if Mykel was in our life. I want his absence to be insignificant in her life. She will lack nothing, and definitely not his presence in her life. I had to stay around till she was a year old because despite the fact that I needed to get myself back out there, I couldn’t miss some significant moment in her life. I couldn’t miss to see her crawl, I couldn’t miss hearing her first words, I couldn’t miss watching her stand for the first time, and I definitely couldn’t miss seeing her take her first step. Seth understood my reason for wanting to stay back for a year, and he was as supportive as he could be. As crazy as it sounds, he actually bought a house here in Bradner so he could come over every month and stay for a week with Rose. Rose has taken an affection for him and she’s not to be blamed. He’s always around and almost in all pictures of her hanging around the house. The day I was suppose to leave for Mexico, Seth arrived a week earlier so he can help me pack and ship off some of my boxes. Rose didn’t quite understand what was going on; I guess she’s too small to grasp the fact that I’m moving. When I kissed her goodbye, she was more interested in her toys than me, so the moment I dropped her down, she waddled over to her box of toys, giving me her back. “Are you okay?” Seth asked. He dropped the magazine on his thigh, giving me his full attention. “You’ve been awfully quiet ever since we left Bradner.” How can’t I be? “I miss her.” I mumbled, biting my lips hard to keep myself from crying. “This is insane. I shouldn’t be separated from my daughter at such early stage.” He held my gaze briefly before gently taking hold of my hand. "Remember why we're making this sacrifice," he said reassuringly. I sniffled, trying to compose myself. "Let her absence fuel your determination to push twice as hard. The sooner you reach your goals, the sooner you'll reunite with your daughter." His words struck a chord. I need to channel all my energy into getting back on track swiftly. "And what if Mykel discovers the truth about Rose eventually?" I questioned, concern creeping in. We can't conceal her existence indefinitely, and that scoundrel will undoubtedly seek custody if he finds out. "He doesn't necessarily need to know that the baby is his," Seth chimed in. "She takes after you in looks, Sabrina. The only similarity to Mykel is her blue eyes." "That shade of blue is more than enough to raise Mykel's suspicions," I replied, a frown forming on my face. I could already envision his reaction. As the driver guided us to a gate, he honked and the entrance opened. A young man approached, and Seth leaned out to exchange words with him before the gate granted us passage. "Mykel won't pursue Rose if he thinks she isn't his," Seth continued, his tone resolute. "Your task is to make him believe just that." Uncertainty clouded my thoughts as my eyebrows furrowed. "Seth, where exactly are you heading with this?" His response left me pondering. "Are you suggesting I fabricate a story to convince Mykel that Rose isn't his child? That would mean admitting to infidelity during our marriage." Seth's expression remained composed. "Not necessarily. If you say the baby was conceived after your divorce from him, it's plausible. He’s not the only one with blue eyes, you know.” I involuntarily stared into his own blue eyes. "You would have to tell him that Rose is two months younger than she actually is," Seth continued. "Since no one knows her real birth date, there won't be any suspicions." "So you're proposing I claim the baby is yours?" I sought clarification, still puzzled. A broad grin stretched across his face. "I'll be a good father," he teased. Chuckling softly, I shook my head and pushed open the car door as it came to a halt. Stepping out, I took in the imposing sight of the house before me. "Is there anything you'd like to fetch?" I asked Seth, my gaze fixed on the immense structure. "Pick something up?" He fought to suppress a boyish grin, swiftly taking hold of my purse and clasping my hand. "This isn't my residence, Sabrina. The house belongs to you." Stunned by this revelation, I instinctively withdrew my hand. "Wait, what did you just say?" My mind raced, struggling to reconcile his statement. The house's grandeur far exceeded what my contributions could afford. "Whose funds were used to acquire this place?" Seeing my disapproval, his grin gradually faded. "Sabrina, this doesn't come without a cost," he mumbled, his gaze fixed on the imposing house. "Once you're back to earning big, I'll deduct the remaining amount from your pay." I shook my head, skepticism mounting. I know he won’t deduct the money. "Why would you get a house that's beyond my means?" He met my gaze with resolve. "Because, soon enough, you'll be regaining your prominence. You'll need ample privacy in preparation for that, especially with the paparazzi in the picture. Besides, it'll be a seamless transition when you eventually bring Rose to Mexico." "Seth..." I uttered his name, a mix of gratitude and astonishment in my voice. His wide grin told me he had it all figured out. "Have you taken a look at the interior?" He beamed, prompting an eye roll from me. "Trust me, once you see it, you'll be utterly smitten." Seeing his enthusiasm, I couldn't help but smile inwardly. I didn't need to lay eyes on the interior to be infatuated; I was already head over heels for the house.
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