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SABRINA The surgery was a success, and although I endured considerable pain for a few weeks, Seth managed to brighten everything by surprising me in a heartwarming way. On one afternoon as I lay in bed, the tranquility was shattered by a loud rumble echoing through my surroundings. Filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity, I gingerly left my bed and ventured outside, taking care not to strain my healing surgical wound. Upon stepping outside, the rumbling had ceased, and my attention was captivated by the sight of a helicopter gracefully settled in the center of my compound. To my astonishment, my father was approaching, cradling my daughter in his arms, closely followed by Seth, who carried a travel bag. Tears welled up in my eyes at the sight of my daughter, and the discomfort in my stomach momentarily faded as I hurried towards them. Seth's radiant smile greeted me as I swiftly took the Rose from my father's arms and showered her face with kisses. Emotions overwhelmed me, and the first tears cascaded down my cheeks, followed by more and more until I was completely overcome with sobs. My daughter, having missed me just as much, placed her tiny hand on my face and babbled sweet baby words. Dad couldn't help but chuckle. "Seems like I wasn't missed at all, Sabrina," he teased, his grin stretching wide. Using the back of my hand, I wiped away my tears and embraced him in a hug, skillfully balancing Rose in my other arm. Seth gently took Rose from me, allowing me to fully embrace my father. "I missed you so much, papa," I whispered with a heartfelt sigh. His large, warm hands enveloped me in a warm hug. "Definitely not as much as I've missed you, considering I had to ask for a hug," he said, planting a gentle kiss on my temple. "How are you doing, sweetheart?" "I'm doing fine," I replied, a wave of contentment washing over me now that my family was by my side. "Come on," Seth encouraged, his hand resting on my waist. "Your wound might be healing, but you shouldn't overexert yourself." Guiding them into the house, I directed the housekeeper, Sarah, to fetch them some refreshing cold juice. As Rose yawned in Seth's arms, I decided to put her to sleep. Stepping into my room, I arranged a soft barricade on the bed with the pillows and gently tucked her in, allowing her to drift into slumber. Upon reentering the living room, I discovered Seth and dad engaged in an intense argument. "What's happening?" I inquired, settling down beside him. Dad regarded me with a mild frown. "I was curious about why you seemed to be in discomfort earlier, so I prodded Seth about it. He informed me that you underwent surgery." Yes, it was true. We deliberately kept dad in the dark about it, knowing he would likely disapprove. "Yes, I did. I have a major performance scheduled for next week, and I needed a few things fixed to prepare for the show." "Get things fixed?" he questioned, clearly bewildered. "You only fix things that are broken, Sabrina, and you, my daughter, are not broken." I glanced at Seth, silently hoping for his support to help das understand why I had chosen to undergo the surgery, but Seth simply blinked back at me. Summoning my courage, I explained, "After giving birth, I had a few stretch marks that I wanted to address. The surgery was just a way to remove them. I couldn't step onto the runway with those marks." His glare turned toward Seth. "Is that what you told her?" Dad’s jaw tightened, his words tinged with frustration. "I've always held you in high regard, son. Don't give me a reason to reconsider that." "Papa!" I interjected, feeling the need to defend Seth from his accusations. "We did what was necessary for my modeling career. Walking the runway in a bikini with visible stretch marks wouldn't be ideal." "Says who?" he retorted sharply, his anger directed at Seth. "Who decided that it's not ideal?" He jabbed a finger towards Seth. "Him? Or a bunch of wealthy individuals who believe they can dictate standards for all of humanity?" Uncertain about how to respond, I nervously bit my lower lip. "Sabrina," he said, his tone softening, "what truly matters isn't the imperfections on your skin, but how confidently you carry yourself, flaws and all." "Alexa_," Seth began to say, but he was cut off by a sharp retort. "Shut the f**k up, young man," He snapped, his frustration palpable. "I merely suggested she get back in shape because I noticed how she scrutinized herself in the mirror. But you had to take it to the extreme by suggesting surgery." Seth's sigh carried an air of regret. "I apologize." "As you should," Dad responded firmly. His gaze shifted between me and Seth. "No more surgeries." We both nodded in agreement. "No more surgeries." "Now that's settled," he continued, his demeanor lightening, "can I get something to eat? Rose was quite uncomfortable on the plane, so I couldn't manage to eat anything." I summoned Sarah to prepare a meal for him, and once it was ready, Dad headed to the dining room to satisfy his hunger. Lounging on the sofa, I offered Seth a smile. "How did you manage to bring them here without the paparazzi catching wind?" The idea of Dad being photographed with a baby could lead to inquiries I wasn't prepared to address. "I had the private jet pick them up, and at the airport, we used the helicopter to bring them to the house," Seth explained. "There was virtually no chance of the paparazzi getting hold of them. However, if news about the baby being here does leak, it's likely from Sarah, although I highly doubt she would do something like that." Seth shrugged, his expression calm. "No offense, Alexander, but I'm simply ensuring the success of my business and her well-being as well." "She signed a NDA before joining my staff, so if she leaks any personal information, she could end up facing legal consequences," I explained. "Thank you, Seth." His gesture meant more to me than he might realize. Seeing my family was something I deeply needed. He playfully winked at me. "I could see the longing in your eyes, Sabrina." It was moments like these that reminded me why I had dated him in the past. His knack for understanding my emotions and knowing exactly what I required was unparalleled. "Remember, I promised I'd reprimand you when necessary and spoil you when I need to spoil you."
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