12. It's a boy

1113 Words

-Mel P. O. V.- Half way through my pregnancy I badly wanted it to finish. I felt terrible. Morning sickness, sensitivity to smells and mood swings were just a few of many new things I experienced for the past two months. I also tend to cry for no reason. I woke up every morning with dried tears on my cheeks, and during the day whenever my mind drifted to Christopher it was like a waterfall being unleashed and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried my best to push him out of my thoughts but it was no use. I dreamt of him every night and during the day not thinking about him was even harder because he smelled like a forest after the rain and to my doom I'm living in the forest which is always wet and smells like him. Oh Goddess, how you test me! What makes me feel even worse is E

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