15. Horse Riding

1120 Words
  CHAPTER FIFTEEN ELIZABETH’S POV The mornings here were just as beautiful as the kingdom itself. The weather was neither hot nor cold; making it just perfect for riding. Uh, riding. How I miss the old days when my mother would take me riding into the forests of Garcia but it all never lasted long before she was gone from my life. I was only nine then. She was supposed to be gone for only a short time but fate dealt its bad luck on my face and she was gone from my life never to be seen again,   “Don’t you look quite lovely Elizabeth?” My gaze puckered up at the entrance of King Leon. I had not laid my eyes on him since the night of the party and upon witnessing his presence, exhilaration fluttered inside my heart.   “Your Majesty,” I acknowledged his presence as he made his way over to where I was standing overlooking the city, a habit that had grown on me for the past six days.   “I told you to stop with the exaltations Elizabeth. Tomorrow, you are going to be crowned my Queen and I want us to be husband and wife; not a king and a Queen,” he said, his hands crossed behind him, typical of a king.   “How can I stop? One has to be accorded the respect they deserve,” His lips curved into a smile that would have women in all the kingdoms swimming in jealous of me as he leaned over the Balcony.   “Tomorrow you are going to be the official Queen of Varci,”   “The gods indeed have their grace on me,” I smiled. Who would have thought that one day the bastard of Garcia would one day be the Queen of a nation as mighty as Varci?   “Without a doubt they do,” he agreed.   “Not to bother you, but as per your word, the Queen mother should have arrived in Varci latest today. Is she okay?” I questioned.   “Why bother yourself about the Queen mother’s arrival? Tomorrow is the day when you get to be the official Queen of Varci and I can finally prance around with you in my arms however much I want,”   “If you insist your Majesty. Can I talk you into taking a ride with me? The weather is quite befitting of horse riding and I could really use some good stretch of my muscles,” My sharp tongue was quick to change the subject The Queen mother had to be ashamed that her son, the king of a mighty nation, had married an illegitimate royal of a lesser nation compared to Varci.   “Are you forgetting that we are not to be seen in each other’s company until tomorrow after the crowning?” The bloody rules.   “For a second there, yes. It did escape my brain. I guess, now I must find my way to the library. Do you happen to have one in the palace, My king?” I questioned.   “You read?”   “You seem surprised,”   “I just find women who read quite rare but very much intriguing and attractive. I think I’m falling in love with you all over again Elizabeth,” it was only when those words fell off his lips, did I realize how close we were standing. I could feel the heat of his breath on my lips and he must have felt mine too. It was almost unexplainable how my heart suddenly picked unusual fast speed. He was quick to pull away before his lips could touch mine.   “If I spend one more minute here, I suspect I would not be able to hold back,” I watched him walk away and it only after I heard the door of my chambers close, did I let out a shuddered breath.   Several minutes had barely passed by, when Gretchen rushed into my chambers, bowing her head slightly in respect.   “Your Highness, Prince Theo is here to see you,” Theo? The temptation to snarl out loud was tempting. For days now, I had reveled in the peace and silence surrounding me because I had not laid my eyes on him.   “Let him in,” I ordered, attempting to hide my utter distaste of that particular man. I wonder what would be bringing him into my chambers just when the sun had brightened over the land of Varci.   ”Theo, isn’t it a nice surprise to see you gracing my chambers so early in the morning?” I bit snarkily.   “Well, I would not be here if the King did not command me to,” The light frown on his face pointed out just how much he loathed being here. I was in no better shape either.   “Of course he did. What is it this time?” I questioned.   “He wants me to sneak you out of the palace,”   “Are you insane? Why would I want to be snuck out of the palace in the first place?” Either he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or somebody robbed him of his brain.   “Oh, I wish I was insane so I would not have to deal with you but apparently you wanted to ride and since you are not exactly allowed out of the palace because you have not been crowned yet, it befalls upon me once again, to sneak you out of the palace,” Wait, Leon was willing to risk that for me just so I could get to ride? I found myself smiling. The king really did love. At least, for once I would not have to sit around a whole day counting the strands of my flame-colored hair.   “I’m guessing the King would be waiting for me somewhere away from the palace?”   “The King? No, Princess. Unfortunately, once again you and I are stuck together,” Was the world turning on me?   “And how we are going get out?” I questioned in anticipation. It did not matter that I was going be stuck by his side; at least I would get to ride, something I loved and cherished from the deepest roots of my heart. That would be better than staying in the palace an entire day.   “We’ll have to blend in. No one can recognize a peasant girl just riding out with the king’s bastard,” a smirk curved on his face.   Wait, a peasant girl?
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