That was you, wasn’t it? Daddy-o didn’t give you back your car? It’s Wes and I don’t know where he is, but most likely close enough if he had heard my growl. Nope, and then rubbed the fact that he was giving Suri her own car on my face. Told me to ride with her. Such a d i c k move. I can’t hear him, but I know Wes is laughing his a s s off at my predicament. Just do it. It’s only one week, anyway. What are you going to lose? It’s either that or getting your a s s kicked by the coach for missing training. I’m thoroughly surprised Wes says something that actually makes a bit of sense and not some stupid comment instead. But I hate that he’s right and I hate that I know deep down it’s exactly what I have to do. You’re f*****g annoying, you know that, right? I tell him as I’m running