“Unless, of course, you want them to know.” Wes added before I felt his tongue touch the tip of my ear and that was the time my body was finally able to break free from its frozen state. But before I could retaliate, somebody else had gotten ahead of me. “That’s enough.” The steely voice broke through the thick air and all of a sudden, a hand came up in front of me before practically swatting away Wes’. “What the hell, Atlas?!” Wes whispered-shouted back at the man on my left, his eyes narrowed at him in disdain. “F u c k off and listen,” was all Atlas said before he turned back to face upfront and that was all he needed to do for Wes to get the message – the conversation was over. My breathing was still heavy and my heart was still thumping in my chest. I have no idea what the hel