She then began to giggle out of nowhere and I know that high is hitting her real f*****g hard right about now. “These sheets are so soft. Ah, soft sheets. I feel like I’m on a cloud. Am I flying? I think I am. Mom, I’m flying!” She giggled and Wes, the f u c k e r, is laughing at this like it’s entertainment. Okay, it is a little, but f**k, we need to help her. “Oh, wait. I don’t have a mom anymore.” She added and that proves even more so that we need to get a f*****g move on with this. “Devon, the bath! Is it ready or what?!” I shouted out to my brother in the bathroom as I walked over to Suri so she wouldn’t muffle her damn face on the pillows. A total f*****g breathing hazard. “One f*****g minute!” Fuck. Everyone is on edge right now. Well, except Wes, I guess. “Dude, just