Forty Two

1204 Words

~Damien’s POV I never knew losing a child could be so painful until I experienced it myself. I was so shocked and angry when Conan broke the news to me. Bella’s tirade blaming me for the death of her unborn child hurt me deeply as I thought about my mother. My mother must have felt the same way Bella felt at the moment when she lost me to my father. My ruthless mode was activated as I became more furious when Bella wouldn’t stop hitting and shouting at me. My dark eyes turned red and then I forced myself on her despite her pleas. I pondered so hard on my acts as soon as I got inside the room prepared for me by the village head. I sighed heavily reminiscing on how I had held the pale and unconscious Bella in my arms screaming for someone to get me a doctor. I brought out my phone an

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