Twenty two

885 Words

Nathan’s POV I sat up on my bed to hear about my test results. Jones was also in the room when Dr. Lucas arrived with the result. He handed the white paper to me, and as I glanced at it, I was unable to comprehend what was written, except for the words "positive" and "negative." Confused and frustrated, I turned to Dr. Lucas and asked him to explain the test results to me. He informed me that all the results indicated I was medically fit. "Medically fit? But I collapsed," I exclaimed, a mix of anger and bewilderment in my voice as I stood up from my bed. My gaze shifted to Jones, who had insisted on bringing the doctor. I directed my anger towards him, raising my voice, "Didn't I say that I don't need a doctor? He was unable to find out what's wrong with me, claiming I'm medically fit.

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