
1303 Words

~ Isabella’s POV “I’m so sorry if I did anything wrong, Alpha Damien. Please don't do this.” I cried out as I scooted backwards on the bed and I pleaded with him. He paid no attention to me or my yelling, just continued to take off his clothes whilst staring at me with that dangerous gleam in his eye. “I’m so sorry about the way I talked to you. I know it was rude of me when I came to the garden earlier. I shouldn't have gone into the garden. I'll… I'll never do that again.” I added, a hitch in my voice. I thought my pleas would have made him back off, but he continued to ignore me while taking off his clothes. He eventually finished taking off his clothes and my heart climbed up into my throat as he got into the massive bed. I let out a scream and tried to jump off the bed, regardle

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