CHAPTER 21; Crippled

1344 Words

Sandra pov I woke up from what seemed like a very shallow sleep. My chest rested heavily on the bed and I felt like I had been in that position for a long time, so I flipped over and turned to face the ceiling and that's when I realized that it was morning already because of the sunlight peeking through the room's balcony. I pressed my eyes close to shake away the rest of my sleepiness and then I moved my hands to help raise my body from being buried in the bed but I felt the pain in that part of my shoulder. Using my other hand, I touched it. It didn't hurt too much, but I still remember how it felt when his sharp fangs dug into it. Along with that memory of how painful it was, what happened last night also returned to my mind how I reacted to what he did last night. My palms landed

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