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Brix pov I got the white and clean towel when I returned to her. I stopped outside the bathroom door as my eyes scrolled up from her toe to her legs. She tried so hard to hide that part of her with the short clothes she was wearing. Her thighs were all pressed together and her small pair of feet were clenched to each other, bare on the dark gray carpet. While watching the small beads of water crawl on her neck from her wet hair, I swallowed again as if I was thirsty. My eyes are like a scanner, even though she is wearing clothes, I can see every curve of her body. I immediately averted my eyes away when she suddenly looked at me. She caught me red-handed. So I continued to walk towards where she was on the bed. And when I got close, I climbed onto the bed with my knees and positioned myself behind her. She was just kinda observing what I was going to do but I guessed she already had an idea of ​​what it was. Then I dared to touch her wet hair and wrapped it in the towel that I took from the bathroom. As usual, she is not used to this, so she probably feels uncomfortable right now. But how can I remove that feeling from her if I find it difficult to calm myself too when she is around me? Her fragrant smell is like pumpkin pie with a touch of lavender that instantly arouses me. Such freaking torment to my mind and gives me this unusual throbbing inside my chest. Anyway, I have to hold back, I think it's too early for me to claim him and mark him as mine. "Dry your hair well so you don't get frizzy. I said while wrapping her hair in a towel. She didn't say anything, instead she just slightly shook her head. After wrapping her hair in a towel, I headed to the table where I placed the food I had prepared. Her eyes follow me but I only get the same reaction from her. Seemed anxious, shy and didn't know what to say. "I prepared this,ate it while it's still hot. I said while standing next to the table. She was just looking at me. "Come here." I said as I slightly swayed my head to the side to call her. She moved very slowly, as if I was going to grab and bite her at any moment. And to be honest, I was about to get annoyed by that. How long will she act like a scared kitten? It gives me the idea how scary I am. What I see in her eyes right now is the exact fear that I can see when other people hear my name. I cringed at the thought. Whatever excitement I felt earlier, it suddenly disappeared like a bubble. I can't wait for her to reach the table anymore as I'm totally annoyed. Her modesty and her vulnerability that I now see in front of me makes my mood sucks. It took me only three steps to reach her and she wasn't able to avoid me when I grabbed her arm. "What is your problem?! I emphatically asked her face. Her mouth fell open in shock and I could see how terrified she was. My blood is boiling with annoyance. Who wouldn't be insulted by the way she looks at me? It's like I'm a monster in human disguise. I could feel in her breathing how nervous she was and when the tears peeked out of her eyes, I suddenly felt a pain inside me that made my hand let her go. She immediately grabbed that part of her arm where I held her tightly. "Did I hurt you? It just came out of my mouth without thinking anything. She looked up at me again and this time there were tears that completely escaped from her eyes. I let out a heavy breath after distancing myself from her. I turned my gaze in another direction as I was held on the back of my neck. I feel bad, I got lost in my feelings and forgot that we didn't know each other yet. And now she will probably have a bad impression of me. "I'll just go out for a while," I calmly said. In these moments, avoidance is the best thing to do, I think. After saying that, I immediately walked out of the room. Because of what happened, it might be difficult for me to win her heart. Even so, I can't blame myself, I don't want her to see me as a monster as others see me. If I ever embraced being a monster, it ended a long time ago. It will hurt me if even the woman who will be with me for the rest of our lives sees me as a monster. And in times like this, I remember the time when I was still that person. I do nothing but go back to the reasons why I had to be that monster. ******************************************** In the middle of the silence, a rattling noise from a heavy chain fell to the marble floor and echoed throughout the basement. Followed by the creaking sound from an old heavy wooden door. It was total darkness. He couldn't be frightened by the silence either. The light from outside didn't reach this part of the mansion, but he knew where he was going. As his feet stopped moving, silence enveloped the dark room. The ability of his eyes to see in the dark is a huge advantage. Every now and then, he comes here when he can't handle everything anymore, or when he wants to vent his anger. When he was eaten by hatred and envy towards the person he never wanted to be part of his life. Something he knew he could never change. He let out a heavy puff of air as he stood in front of a metal statue that served as a manikin in that black outfit. A knee-length black jacket and a black hat. It belonged to someone else, and he wore it because of his wrath towards that person. "You're worthless! You're so weak! I regret having you as my son!" "Why don't you imitate your brother? He's proven so much, he's powerful and feared by everyone, while you, you have nothing! You're useless you dumbass! “Brix should be here and not you! "You're the one who should have gone with your mother and not him!" Hurtful words that Jack had kept in his chest since he was a child. He once became a good brother to his twin Brix, whom he considered an older brother even though they were born together. He looked up to him because of his intelligence, which he could not match. But that changed when Brix and their mother left him. He was left in the power of his father, who did nothing but to compare him to Brix. He was killed little by little until there was nothing left in him but so much hatred. And one day he just woke up finding himself stealing Brix's identity. He wears this garment as a mask and takes everything he can get until he gets satisfied to the point that his hands are stained with the blood of those innocent people. Who would have thought that Brix, who was known as a monster, was not actually Brix, but his brother Jack, who forcibly stole Brix's personality? He hides behind a meek mask that everyone loves and respects.
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