3 My Choice

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Alfonso POV "I just don't understand why your father cares so much about our relationship with those mangy wolves. They are beneath us in every way." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Ember is a powerful pure blood vampire who despite looking like she is in her twenties is over a hundred years old but sometimes she acts like a petulant child. I care for her but I often wonder if she is the best choice to become the queen of my kind. She is the daughter of my father's most trusted advisor, Ancrus. He was the one that suggested our pairing to my father. Despite my father's agreement he made it perfectly clear to me that it was choice to take Ember as my chosen or find my fated beloved. Finding our fated beloved's is difficult so I chose Ember. It was my choice who is to become my beloved and the next Queen. "Are you even listening to me Alfonso" Ember's voice interrupts my thoughts. "Ember, you are the future Queen of Vampires. Diplomacy and relationships with other supernaturals are important to not only the kingdom but to me as the future King. Now I expect you to be ready in the next thirty minutes. I will not be late for our meeting with King Jagger and Queen Angelica." I can see she wants to argue but thankfully she stands heading for our closet. I pull on my suit jacket and head to my father's office. I knock twice before I hear him call out for me to enter. I push open the door and my father is seated behind his huge ornate wooden desk. "Son, I see you are ready to make the trip" he says. "I am father. Ember is almost ready. We should reach the air strip within the hour." "Are you sure you should be taking Ember? I know that Ancrus has pushed this narrative but I need you to make sure choosing Ember is truly what you want, my son," he says. "I know father. I promise you that I will do what's best for the kingdom." "That's not what I said Alfonso and you know it. I know I encouraged you to take Ember as your chosen but the more I get glimpses of her behavior I'm afraid I've let my friendship with Ancrus cloud my judgement," he says. "I promise you father that I don't regret my choice." Even to my own ears my answer sounds hollow. "Well, I want you to be happy. Always remember that I will support any decisions you make about your future and the future of the kingdom." The door to the office opens and we both turn to see Ember walking in. "Ember, I would appreciate that you knock before entering my office" my father says his voice laced with irritation. Ember has the good sense to look embarrassed. "I apologize my King. I just wanted to let Alfonso know I was ready." We reach the airfield ahead of schedule. As soon as were on the plane Ember snuggles next to me. I smile because in moments like this I remember why I agreed to our joining. I close my eyes conjuring visions of the ceremony held announcing Ember as my chosen beloved. My vision morphs and we are back in the ballroom of the Werewolf Kingdom. A beautiful woman with raven colored hair and perfectly pink lips moves toward me. Without a word she wraps her arms around my neck and presses her plump lips against mine. Her body pressed against mine feels so right. I can feel myself grow hard against her belly as my mouth moves against hers. I'm brought out of my vision by the feeling of a warm mouth on my c**k. When I look down, I feel a slight disappointment when I see it's Ember. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't even know that girl. I met her once and here I am having a vision of touching her while my chosen is kneeling before me. I can't help the moan that escapes me as Ember hollows out her cheeks taking me deeper into her throat. I'm close as she starts to massage my b**ls. I give two more thrusts before I empty myself down her throat. When she sits back on her knees and smiles up at me, I can't help the wave of guilt I feel for my earlier vision. I have no right to be thinking of another woman while she is pleasuring me. I force the smile as I look down at this woman that I've chosen. "What was that for sweets?" She smiles at the nickname I haven't used in a while. "Nothing besides wanting to please you, my lord." My c**k twitches and I scoop her up off the floor. She giggles as I carry her back to the bedroom. Ember is a beautiful woman and I love being buried deep inside her. I push all thoughts of the raven-haired beauty from my mind and focus on the woman that will be my Queen. When we reach the castle, the King and Queen greet us immediately. "We're glad you could join us" Jagger says. "Since you'll be staying for a few days, we will have Becky show you to your room to get settled before we give you a proper tour of the palace" Angelica says. I'm impressed the way the Queen does not use rank or title when addressing royal pack members. The young woman leads us to a large elevator. "Your room is on the third floor, sir and madam" she says. "We are the future King and Queen of our kind. You will address us as your majesty" Ember says and the girl starts to apologize profusely. "No need for an apology. Please just show us to our room." She leads us down a long hallway. When the door pushes open, I smile. It's beautiful and I'm sure not an ordinary guest room. "Well at least the leaders of these mutts know how to treat royalty" Ember says as the woman shuts the door behind us. I whirl on her because I am done being embarrassed by her behavior. "Ember" I say her name sternly and her frightened eyes meet mine. I'm sure my eyes reflect my anger. "You will apologize to that young lady when you see her later. If you do not know how to treat others with respect while we are here you will spend the rest of our visit in this room. Am I clear?" She looks like I just slapped her. "Alfonso" she starts to say but must think better of it. "I'm sorry, I'll do better" she says. A while later Angelica comes to take us for a tour of the castle. Ember threads her fingers with mine as we begin to move through the palace. Jagger joins us and we make our way outside. The grounds are beautiful. We hear a commotion and make our way in the direction of the sound. As soon as I catch sight of the woman from my vision earlier, I'm ready to lose my sh*t. She is wearing a bikini that barely covers her amazing breasts and s*xy a**. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm on the verge of losing control that she is surrounded by unmated males. When one of them picks her up that control snaps. "What the hell is going on here and what are you wearing" I ask before I can get myself under control. I notice a smirk on Angelica's face which surprises me. The woman I remember is named Gemma doesn't answer me which just pisses me off more. I take a step closer. "I asked you a question." She is glaring at me but I don't care. All these men are ogling her like a piece of meat. She grabs something off the ground and stalks past me without a second look. Part of me wants to grab her and bend her over my knee to turn her a** red, but the other part is glad she is no longer standing there half dressed. I shake my head trying to clear the jealousy and anger I shouldn't be feeling. When I turn around Ember is glaring at me. Jagger looks pissed and Angelica looks like she knows a secret. I make my way back toward them and bow. "My apologies, I didn't like the way some of the unmated men were looking at your daughter. I believe that women should be respected." "As do we" Jagger says. "Let's finish the tour" Angelica says glaring at the King. I offer Ember my hand and she takes it. I know I'll have to deal with questions and anger when we return to our room later, but for now my only thought is of the beautiful woman who made me act like a jealous lover.
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