1 Prologue

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Gemma POV "You think you're so special, but you're not. You're the plain princess," Meredith says with all the venom she can muster. I'm not sure why she is so mean to me, but she has been that way since we moved to the palace five years ago. "You shut up you b**ch. My sister is special, unlike you. The only way you get noticed is for lying on your back," Georgia yells back at her. "It's alright Georgy, calm down. I don't care what she says. Her opinion of me doesn't matter." "Well, it should because I'm not the only one who thinks it. Every boy in the royal pack knows Georgia is the pretty sister. You'll never be good enough to be Queen. I'm going to be the next Queen when I marry your brothers. I'm sure they will be hot when they are older because your father is minus the scar." Before I can stop her, Georgy pulls her fist back and punches her in the nose. Meredith falls to the ground and her hand immediately covers her nose. I pull Georgy next to me and try to keep myself from laughing. "Don't you ever talk about my father and sister again you entitled tw*t." "You hit me you little witch. I'm telling my father. When I become Queen, the two of you are going to be so sorry." "What's wrong with you, Meredith? Our brothers are ten years old. Besides, becoming King is not their birthright. Besides the goddess would never choose you to be their mate." She starts to laugh despite the blood coating her teeth and chin. "You think that the kingdom will accept a pathetic wolf like you, Gemma, as their Queen. I promise you they won't. You will always just be the pathetic plain princess. Besides, the firstborn son is to be King. My father and the other ranked members will never allow a woman to be the leader of the Royal pack." "Let's go Georgy. I'm done listening to Meredith's nonsense." We turn to leave, but I don't make it two steps when I'm yanked back by my hair. Elora growls and tries to push to the surface, but I hold her back. I can't let anyone outside our family know that I already have my wolf. Besides, I can't attack her when she doesn't yet have her wolf. It would be no different than attacking a human. I manage to free myself from her grasp, but before I can react, Georgy has her on the ground. She punches her twice before I manage to pull Georgy off of her. "What the hell is going on here" an angry voice calls from behind us. I recognize Meredith's father's voice before he even reaches Meredith. "Daddy, look what they did to me. I was just telling them that I hoped we would be sisters one day, and they did this to me" she whines. I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes. "How dare you two hurt my daughter? Being of the Royal family does not give you the right to hurt others. You are not above our laws on hurting innocents," he says. "Your daughter started it. She started the fight and Georgia finished it." "My daughter wouldn't do that" he says. "So, you are calling us liars. I'm sure my parents could clear all this up rather quickly using their powers." "Daddy, it's not necessary. I know they didn't mean to hurt me. Can we just leave?" "Afraid of what daddy might see Meredith," Georgy taunts. If looks could kill, we would both be dead. "No, I just think this has all been a misunderstanding" she whines. She manages to get to her feet before she grabs her father's arm, pulling him away from us. "Goddess, she is such a b**ch" Georgy says. "Excuse me young lady. What is she," mom asks. We both turn toward her and Georgy's face turns red. "Sorry mom, but she is. You should have heard what she was saying." "I did Georgy, and I don't disagree she is a witch. That doesn't mean I want to hear such things come out of my beautiful young daughter's mouth." "I'm sorry mom. She just made me so mad." My mom opens her arms and Georgy steps closer until she is wrapped in a hug. "That was a nice punch by the way," she whispers, so only Georgy and I can hear her. We both giggle, and she pulls me in for a hug. "I'm proud of both of you. We will need to keep an eye on that girl. She is title hungry, and nothing good can come of it. Now it's time to head back to the palace. Your grandparents, aunts, and uncles just arrived for your party Gemma," mom says. We both squeal before we take off for the palace. It's only been two weeks since we saw Nana Caroline and Papa Hunter, but I still miss them. My aunts and their mate, Michael, were here last week to tell us about their pups. Both my aunts are pregnant and hormonal. It's a good thing that Michael loves them so much. They never expected to share a mate, but the goddess is always full of surprises. We visit for a while before Georgy and I go to get ready for the party. The Party My dress is burgundy in color with a beaded bodice. I was worried about how it clings to my body until I got my first look at myself in the mirror. It definitely shows off my curves, but in the best ways. I'm by no means stick thin like Meredith. A year ago, my body started to change. I love my curves, but that doesn't mean that she-wolves don't like to take shots at my weight and curves. Georgy is built more like the average she-wolf. She is slender and tall. She is beautiful with her long black hair. She looks like a model. "Gemmy, are you ready to head to the party" Georgy asks from behind me. "Oh my god Georgy, you look so beautiful." She is wearing a beautiful A-line silver gown. "Gemmy, I would kill to have your curves and that dress is going to make every guy we see drool tonight." We both laugh as we make our way downstairs to the ballroom. When we step inside, the party is in full swing. As we make our way toward our parents, Elora starts to growl in my head. "What's wrong, Elora?" She doesn't answer and, before I can ask her again, mom steps in front of me. "You both look so beautiful. Happy Birthday, Gemma." "Thanks mom." She pulls me into a hug and leads me over to a group of people standing with my father. "Hey sweetheart. You look beautiful" my dad says as he hugs me. "I want to introduce you to a few of our special guests." He turns me so that I'm facing the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. "Gemma, this is Alfonso Rossi. He is the future ruler of the Vampire Kingdom. His father was unable to join us, so Alfonso came in his place." He offers me his hand and I take it. Without warning, he lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. As soon as his lips make contact with my skin, a shiver runs down my spine. A throat-clearing breaks the trance I seem to be under as I stare into his eyes. I step back, and a beautiful red head who looks like she stepped out of vogue magazine comes to stand next to Alfonso. "My love, did you find the restroom" he asks her sweetly. "Yes, I did. Did I miss introductions?" She turns back to me with a triumphant smile on her face as he wraps his arm around her. "Gemma, I would like you to meet my chosen bride, Emery." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Emery. Please enjoy the party." I turn without saying anymore because Elora is pacing and growling in my mind. As I move quickly through the ballroom, I know that Georgy is hot on my heels. As soon as we're alone, she corners me. "Spill Gemmy," she says. "There is nothing to spill. Elora was growling at one of the guests. I just needed a minute to get her under control." "It wouldn't be the hot vampire would it" she asks with a knowing smirk. "Georgy, he has a chosen mate. Besides, I have two more years before I meet mine. Let's just go back to the party before mom comes looking for us."
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