
Nice day


Years ago, one morning just beyond daybreak, Aruyi was snug in her bed, blankets tucked under her  chin, sleeping the sound, deep, dreamless, sleep that comes upon a mother of two toddlers. When, suddenly, she left eyelid was peeled back from her eyeball. “It’s a happy day!” announced her smiling, cheery, ten -year-old  brother charlie .

So, that’s how it all began.  From that day on, “It’s a happy day” often replaced the daily “Good morning” salutation in their family. Aruyi remember her nice days :

And that’s how it all started. That “happy day” said Aruyi .

Throughout  her childhood, their elementary, junior high and high school years, even unto college, she  frequently served charlie“ happy day” announcement with their morning orange juice.

Moments with God, Her nature, Her quirrels and spiders.

Moments with family, mother, father, brother grand mother (especially!)

Moments with friends and strangers

Moments noticing acts of kindness

Moments of humour and the unexpected

Moments in the ordinary stuff of living

Moments of being thankful, appreciative, grateful

Moments being aware, intentionally slowing down to NOTICE the little gifts tucked into EVERY day.

 Aruyi say to everyone , "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," is a pretty common saying. But it's not always easy to live by those words, especially in the days of social media, where it's easy to vent in anonymity from behind your keyboard.

Unkind words, whether spoken or written, may often seem like the language of our times, but National Say Something Nice Day, is an open invitation to break that mold.

Aruyi, the sun shone brightly in the sky, bathing the entire kingdom in a warm, golden light. It was a nice day in  Aruyi , a day where anything felt possible.

In the heart of the kingdom, nestled between the towering mountains and the lush forests, was the town of Evergreen. The townspeople of Evergreen were known for their creativity and love for all things fantastical. On this particular nice day, the town was bustling with excitement as the annual Festival of Dreams was about to begin.

The sky was a mesmerizing tapestry of swirling colors, the trees whispered secrets of ancient magic, and strange creatures roamed freely, their iridescent scales glinting in the sunlight.  Aruyi knew she had stumbled upon a realm of infinite possibilities, where dreams could come true and wishes were granted effortlessly.


To their surprise, the portal led to a parallel universe where the laws of physics were completely different, and anything was possible. The Moonlight Sprites found themselves in a world filled with floating islands, talking animals, and colorful rainbows that arched across the sky.

In Harmony, there were talking animals that roamed the streets, fairies that flitted about on delicate wings, and even dragons that soared through the clouds. It was a place of magic and wonder, where anything was possible.

On this particular day, the residents of Harmony were preparing for the annual Festival of Light, a celebration where lanterns were released into the sky to ward off the darkness and welcome in a new season of prosperity and joy.

The Moonlight Sprites wasted no time in putting their newfound abilities to good use. They created magnificent palaces made entirely of candy, turned rocks into precious gemstones, and summoned gentle rainstorms to water the bountiful gardens.

The townspeople marveled at the stunning sight before them, as the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm and ethereal glow over the land. It was a day like no other, a day where anything seemed possible

Suddenly, a burst of colourful fireworks lit up the sky, casting a brilliant glow over the village. The lanterns were released, their soft light illuminating the faces of the villagers as they danced and sang in celebration.

As the sun began to set, the townspeople gathered in the town square, eagerly awaiting the start of the festival. Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was the Dreamweaver, a mythical being said to have the power to bring dreams to life.


With a wave of their hand, the Dreamweaver conjured a magnificent display of light and color, filling the sky with swirling patterns and dazzling shapes. The townspeople watched in awe as their wildest dreams danced before their eyes.

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, the townspeople of Evergreen gathered once more in the town square to bid farewell to the Dreamweaver. With a final flourish, the Dreamweaver disappeared into the mists, leaving the town bathed in a soft, radiant glow.

Aruyi s eyes widened in wonder as her surroundings transformed into a paradise of her own making.

And so, the nice day in Aruyi came to an end, but the memories of the Festival of Dreams would live on forever in the hearts of the townspeople.

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Niceday moments of.Aruyi
Aruyi said sometimes the greeting was a song, a praise, an oh-yes promise of anticipation. Sometimes, it empowered them like tying on a superhero cape. Other times, I must admit, they echoed it through gritting teeth, an I-dare-it-to be-possible response, or tagged by a question mark. Sometimes it was received with the familiar eyebrow roll, a shake of the head, and the look of “oh, Mom, you’re always saying that.” A few times during those challenging teenage years, the welcome was received with a scoff, “yeah, right, sure,” coated with sarcasm and cynicism. But always, once uttered, it bestowed the hope that we might meet up with happiness at some moment during the day. That one moment would stand alone as a moment of joy in the long parade of bad day moments that we all experience from time to time. Life can be hard. I know. But every day that I choose to look for the happy, the good, the blessing, the love, the joy – shifts my heart and my head into a better place. A place of gratitude. She fell back to the earth with a thud, still writhing. Her last conscious thought was of the sunlight in her room that morning. The beautiful, soft sunlight that seemed to welcome in a day of such promise

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