Finally Caught

887 Words

Chapter 20 ~Cassie's POV~ It's been another two weeks and I think I've completely fallen for Trey. He practically already treats me like his girlfriend, and he's the best not-boyfriend ever. Trey and I were on the couch watching Little Bill and eating chicken when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it, babe," Trey said putting down his chicken. Before he even got to the door it busted open and a swarm of police officers raided in, tackling Trey and pinning him down, then handcuffing him. Then they came over to me asking me if I was alright. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET HIM GO!" I yelled running over to him but the officers stopped me. "NO, LET HIM GO!!" I cried. "Ma'am we're saving you." the officer holding me back said. "No I don't need saving to let me go!" he let me go but followed me as I r

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