Meeting Trevor

1015 Words

Chapter 10 ~Cassie's POV~ I just sat here and waited for Trey and Michael to come back, or should I try to escape again? For some reason, I don't wanna go back home yet. I know right sounds weird, but here I don't have all the responsibilities and all the attention on me. And there are cute guys. But then again I'm kidnapped, which is bad, and I need to get home. Even though it doesn't feel like I'm kidnapped. For now, I'll just relax a little and escape another time..if I get another chance. Or maybe I'll tour the house, yeah ill do that. I got up from the couch and started walking down the hallway. The house was big and really beautiful with many rooms. Marble counters and tables, beige walls, lots of decors, some of the doors were glass, and the kitchen was huge. I went from room to

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