Getting to Know My Kidnapper

1096 Words
Chapter 2-Cassie's POV- Once I woke up, I didn't recognize my surroundings. My vision was slightly blurred and my head ached. That's when I remembered what happened just a few hours ago. The creepy man chasing me, the mysterious man saving me, going into his car, and getting knocked out. My vision finally cleared up and I realized I was on a bed in a really big room. The room had a huge flat screen tv, some nice couches, and a master bathroom. The bed was big too, it had silk bed sheets and pillowcases. The door flung open and in came the mysterious man who brought me here. "Look who finally woke up," the mystery man said eyeing me creepily. Why is he looking at me like that? Is he gonna rape me?! I need to get out of her before I find out. "Soo, I bet you're wondering why you're here huh? Why I kidnapped you?" he asked. I just look at him and nod. "Well babe I saw you walking, and I liked what I saw," he answered. I just looked at him, that had to be one of the stupidest reasons I've ever heard to kidnap someone! "Why don't you just get a girlfriend or something, not go out and kidnap girls!" I exclaimed. He chuckled, "Getting a girlfriend is too much work and drama, why do that when I can just go get a play toy off the street?" I glared at him, "Playtoy?! I will not be anybody's play toy here mister!!" I exclaimed poking his chest. "Ooh feisty, I like you already," he said pulling me against him. I pushed myself off him and glared. "Aw don't be mad at me babe" he tried to pull me back to him but I backed away until I hit the wall and he was towering over me. He was really tall about 6'3. "How about we go to bed" he whispered. "Sure" I answered sliding away from him. "Where's my room?" he chuckled again. "Here," he stated. "Then where's your room?" I asked "Here" he stated again. My eyes widened in shock, "Here with you?" I gulped. "Duh, silly....", he stopped, "What's your name?" "Cassie" I stated firmly. He smirked "Cassie, I like that," he said as he started taking off his shirt. My eyes widened at his beautiful body, he had a wonderful six pack, a toned chest, with beautifully toned tatted arms. He threw his shirt at me, "Go put this on and let's go to bed". For some reason, I obeyed him and went to the bathroom to change but he stopped me. "You can change right here, we don't need you escaping, I'm not stupid" I just looked at him. He expects me to change here in front of him and give him a little show? Hell no. I continued walking to the bathroom and heard him following me. Once I reached the bathroom door, I was about to open it when he stopped me. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked looking pissed. "Going to change like you asked me too" I stated plainly. He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the bedroom. "You think I'm stupid!?" he yelled "I know you're just gonna try to escape, so you're gonna change right here!" he"I'm not changing in front of you," I said, throwing his shirt back at him. And walking out of the room. I was hungry and decided to get a snack, but that pissed him off even more. Once I reached the kitchen I was looking through the pantry when it suddenly slammed shut. "WHAT THE FÛCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he exclaimed. Damn does he always gotta yell? "What does it look like I'm doing," I asked in a bored tone. Suddenly I was being picked up into the air and thrown over his shoulder. "WHAT THE HELL!!" I yelled. "Since you won't listen I'll have to punish you," he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice. That sentence brought fear all over me. What does he mean by punished? Is he gonna rape me?! I started to pound on his back but he just kept walking up the stairs. I kicked, punched, and pinched. But he didn't even flinch. He finally made it to the bedroom and locked the door, then tossed me on the bed. I scrambled off the bed immediately and ran towards the bathroom hoping there was a window. But sadly he grabbed my waist before I could even make it. "Chill damn, why are you so scared?" he asked chuckling. "Why am I so scared?" I asked repeating his question, "Well maybe because you kidnapped me and you told me you were gonna rape me!!", I exclaimed. He burst out laughing "Rape you?!" he said still laughing, "I never said that and plus it's not rape if you like it." he winked. I just stood there with her mouth open. "Close your mouth before I put something in it." he winked again. That one just got me mad. I got up from where I was sitting and went straight up to him and slapped him in the face. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!" he yelled. "For making rude comments!" I yelled back. "You are such a b***h" he mumbled. "And your a d**k" I spat. "I have a d**k, I am not one," he said. "Whatever," I said grabbing the t-shirt I threw back at him and went to the closet to change. Thankfully he didn't bother me. I came out in his t-shirt and his basketball shorts that were too big for me. "Get in bed babe," he said staring at me. I got on the other side of the bed as far as I could get from him, but he just pulled me back. "Soo, how old are you?" he asked. "17, how about you?" I asked. "Don't worry about it," he said flatly. "Well, what's your name?" I asked. "Don't worry about it, but you can call me daddy or Papi, whichever one you like?" He said smirking. "Ugh goodnight", I said annoyed. I hate when guys try to get girls to call them daddy. "Goodnight who?" he said. Ew, he's tryna make me call him daddy. So I pretended to be asleep. "I know you're not asleep," he said. I just ignored him. "Oh well, your gonna be screaming daddy tomorrow night," he said smirking and grabbing my waist. The hell does he mean tomorrow night?!  
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