Chapter Thirteen:

2816 Words

Chapter Thirteen:The tusked barkeep guided her over the broken ground, all but picking her up over the more challenging parts of the terrain. Despite the danger, he held the lantern high to see the path. Helpless feelings filled her heart. The toxins coursing through her body kept her extremities from working. If she could stand, her gait would resemble one of her animated dead rather than the dexterous fighter she once was. She needed to flush this s**t from her system before she’d be worth her weight in any fight. “You had me worried,” he whispered in the dark. “Glad we got there before they finished digging you up. What were those creatures?” She limped along. “I never saw them… Did they have sickly white skin and glowing red eyes?” “How did you know?” He looked down at her in surpr

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