
1015 Words

“Why do you always send the missives to Warlord? Do you know what he is?” Another Undine from behind Veline whispered. Peeling free of a bit of grass to stand and face the prettier woman. This one had dirt along her back and strands of grass growing from her feminine figure to mask what she was. “Because, Germaine, despite what everyone thinks of King Detry’s Commander he is the King of Creature’s greatest defender. He protects our lord. And he can only do that if he can assess the dangers of where the King of Creatures goes.” “Does our King know he does so?” “He knows his birds are redirected to Warlord and that Warlord sends him the messages. He doesn’t know why. But he trusts his brother.” “They’re brothers?” Germaine queried with lifted brows. “Our savior and that destroyer?”

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