Chapter 3-3

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Walter glanced at Ricki and felt a wave of pride and worry before he turned his attention back to Marcus. The ‘Magician Extraordinaire’ was really a master pickpocket and street hustler who had learned his trade on the streets of Las Vegas. He was just one of dozens of people that had gravitated to the circus, looking for a way of life that both protected them from their past and gave them the rush they needed. “I’ll be right there, Ricki,” Walter responded with a nod. “Marcus, work with Stan to check how everyone is doing tomorrow. This is still new to everyone and I know that some of the scientists are coming tomorrow to check the animals we have.” Marcus grimaced. “You know how protective Katarina is about her cats, Walter,” he groaned. “She is just as likely to tell them to eat the aliens than allow any of them near one of her babies.” “Well, make sure she doesn’t,” Walter grunted as he turned away. “Tell her to keep those damn cats under control, that eating our hosts won’t help them accept us.” “Damn it,” Marcus grumbled, turning away. “I hate dealing with that crazy Russian. She always sends one of those damn cats after my ass.” “Yeah, well, she wouldn’t have if she hadn’t caught you trying to stuff the ocelot cub in one of your magical disappearing boxes,” Stan observed, wiping his hands from where he was helping one of the clowns with some equipment. “I warned you she was protective of them.” Walter shook his head as the two men walked out of the tent. Marcus was right, Katarina Danshov was extremely picky about her assortment of feline companions, to the point she was never without one or more of them by her side. He didn’t question how she kept them under control. Now that he knew aliens actually existed, he decided that it wasn’t so strange after all. “What do you need, love?” Walter asked, looking up at her. “I swear you grow more beautiful each day. When are you going to find you a young man? You know your mom is itching to have a grandbaby.” Ricki rolled her eyes and pressed her lips together to keep the groan from escaping. Now that River, Star, and Jo were expecting, her mom had been dropping hints about how she would love to have a grandson or granddaughter to cuddle with. She just kept pointing out that in order to have a baby that it helped to have a husband first. That led to her mom posting a long list of eligible men on her tablet this morning. Shaking her head at her dad, she stared down at the tablet in her hand instead. “You are just as bad as Mom,” Ricki grumbled under her breath. Walter huffed and folded his arms across his chest. “We aren’t getting any younger and neither are you,” he stated before his gaze softened on her flushed cheeks. “We just don’t want you to be alone, Ricki. If something should happen to your mom and I…” Ricki’s gaze quickly focused on her dad’s face. Concern and fear darkened her vivid blue eyes as she stared down at him. For a moment, she bit her lip in worry. Was either one of them sick? She could schedule an appointment with the healers here. The medical staff seemed much more sophisticated than back on Earth. Surely if something was wrong, the doctors here could cure it. “Are you or Mom sick?” Ricki asked in a husky tone. “I can schedule an appointment with Shavic immediately. River says he is wonderful.” Walter’s arms fell to his side before he reached over and gripped Ricki’s hand in reassurance. Shaking his head, he led her over to the aluminum stands and waited for her to sit down. Nema had asked him to have a talk with Ricki. “Uh, Ricki, I’ve been meaning to discuss something with you,” Walter began in an uncomfortable voice as he paced slightly back and forth in front of where she was sitting. “Your mom and I… well… She thought it might be better if I talked to you about this, to give you a little of a man’s point of view and all.”
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