Chapter 11-1

663 Words

Chapter Eleven Ristéard grimaced at Andras before turning back toward the chair he had been sitting in. He sat down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Closing his eyes, he waited as Karis, who had stepped back into the room as well, picked up the scanner and finished working on healing the slight knot on the back of his head. A light grunt escaped him as the headache that had been building dissolved as well. He opened his eyes and nodded to Karis. Sitting back in the chair, he waited for the healer to leave again before he directed his attention to Andras. “What did you find out?” he asked. Andras’ lips twitched. “About what? The female or Texla and Raomlin?” he asked in return. Ristéard scowled and stood up, rotating his shoulders. He knew what Andras was referring

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