Chapter 7

1650 Words
Gabriel's POV “Fuck...fuck f**k!” I roared out, punching a dent into the side of my car once I realized that Evelina no longer slept soundly inside. “She escaped!” Amaya was still dealing with those stupid witches. I gave them the money. Now it was time for negotiations. I hated witches. Except for Amaya, they were all weird brujeria practicing nut jobs. The talisman Evelina wore didn’t even allow me to track her scent. f**k her witchy tia for giving her that stupid bangle. However, even I had to admit that it was better she kept it on. When it was off, her scent was so intoxicating. Sandalwood and citrus mixed with hints of violet and an underlying trace of the spent gunpowder. If power had a smell, I had a feeling it would be Evelina’s scent. My eyes tracked the footprints below, trying to make out what direction she had taken. LA VIRGEN (JESUS CHRIST)! This was no place for a defenseless human such as her to be roaming around. These dark witches were dangerous. They were known for their mastery over the dark arts and their affinity for human sacrifices. Over a decade ago, they’d even attempted to summon a prince of hell. They were all f*****g crazy. And Evelina was running around in the dark somewhere around here, begging to be one of their victims. “JODER (f**k)!” I roared again, trying to follow a trail which seemed to belong to Evelina. My mate was an i***t. I was going to wring her pretty little neck when I found her. My heart nearly missed a beat when I heard voices up ahead. There was a cry of pain that distinctly belonged to Evelina. It was coming from the cave up ahead. Fury surged through me like a tidal wave. If these witches hurt her, they were dead. Rage burned through me as I thought of someone hurting Evelina. My wolf growled and paced within, eager to defend his mate. I could almost taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth as I imagined tearing out the heart of any foolish witch who dared harm her. The thought of devouring the pulsing organ, still beating fleetingly as it attempted to instill life within a body it was no longer attached too filled me with satisfaction. Nobody touched Gabriel Rossi’s mate and made it out alive. Inside the cave, I came upon a sight that made my blood boil. Evelina was struggling. A man had his hand wrapped around her wrist and she cried out in pain. f**k no. He was dead. “Don’t touch my mate!” With a growl rumbling deep in my chest, I lunged forward, my muscles coiling with the raw power of my rage. The familiar transformation began to ripple through my body, the sensation of fur sprouting across my skin, claws extending from my fingertips. In an instant, I was no longer human, but a wolf—a creature of instinct and ferocity. Bloodlust surged through me and I was not about to hold back. With a snarl, I charged at the hooded figure, my senses heightened and razor-sharp as I closed the distance between us. The warlock turned towards me, his face shrouded in darkness, a wicked grin curling his lips. Let’s go motherfucker. He unleashed a wave of dark energy, but I was ready, my lupine reflexes allowing me to dodge the attack with ease. Didn’t he know that I’d practiced fighting against his kind? He was no match for me. Launching myself at the warlock, I sank my teeth into his cloak, tearing at the fabric with savage determination. He fought back, struggling to summon his arcane magic, but I was relentless. As long as I kept attacking him, he wouldn’t have time to gather his magical energy and let it loose on me. These power hungry magic wielders were more vulnerable than they thought. The cavern echoed with the sound of our struggle, the clash of bodies and the snarls and growls of my wolf. He let out a grunt of pain when I slammed him into the far wall of the cave. My opponent’s hands were a blur as he attempted to chant ancient incantations, body pulsing with dark energy. There was no way I was going to give him the chance to finish his stupid spell. My muscles rippled beneath thick fur as I bared my teeth in fury and dug them into his arm. He let out a scream of pain, I grinned, relishing in his blood on my tongue. A few meagre sparks flew as this foolish man tried to unleash a spell to burn me. I dodged, jumping back in time but quickly closing in on him again. He leaned against the cave wall with his body hunched over. Chingado could barely stand. He was cornered. Trapped like the rat he truly was. After what I’d done to him, he couldn’t even lift his arm for another incantation. With a snarl, I leapt onto the warlock, digging my claws into his shoulders and chest. He screamed in pain and fury as I bit down onto the warlock’s wrist, ripping his hand away from his limb. I felt the bone crunching beneath my teeth, primal satisfaction coursing through me. This. was the same hand he’d held Evelina with. ’Touch my mate again’ I thought to myself darkly. ’And a hand won’t be the only thing you lose, motherfucker.’ He screamed in pain, falling to his knees as blood spurted from the stump on his hand. Evelina gasped behind me. “You will pay for this,” he rasped faintly, eyeing Evelina with contempt. I let out a low growl filled with deadly intent. Nobody talked to my mate like that. He screamed in pain and fury when I bit down onto the back of his neck, feeling the sinewy muscles beneath my teeth. My jaws locked onto his flesh, and I could feel his pulse just waiting to be crushed under the pressure of my canines. Purposefully, I widened my jaws teasingly, relishing in the taste of his fear permeating through the air. I wanted to leave him as a promise to whoever dared mess with Evelina. He thought I might let him go, but I was going to crush his neck under my canines and watch the life slip from his worthless body. I had previously considered sparing him. But killing him sounded like a better idea. “STOP!” Amaya’s horrified voice filled the cavern. “GABE YOU CAN’T KILL OUR ALLIES!” I tilted my head, my prey’s neck still locked between my jaws. Why the f**k not? I wanted to ask her. “Gabe let him go. He’s already knocked unconscious…stop. Whatever he did…” Amaya looked at Evelina, realizing that she was the reason this man was about to die. “Did he hurt you?” Evelina shook her head, lips trembling. “For goddess’s sake, Gabe, let him go! He’s not even lucid! Let’s get of here before these witches change their mind and decide to keep your money and not follow through on their promise to us! Almost killing one of them is going to get you on their hit list.” I still didn’t let go of the pendejo. “You’ll just be putting Evelina in more danger too, if a bunch of dark witches decide to target you.” Shit. She was right. With a growl of frustration, I flung the worthless piece of s**t across the room, letting his body hit the floor with a resounding thud. Then I shifted back into my human form. My eyes met Evelina’s fearful ones. She better be afraid. What had she been thinking? Trying to escape in the middle of nowhere in a den of dark witches no less? She was lucky they hadn’t already sacrificed her and drank her blood. The thought made tremble in fury. If something had happened to her… My eyes remained locked on Evelina, her eyes wide with fear and disbelief. I couldn’t help but feel a wave of protectiveness tinged with worry. This was the woman I had sworn to keep safe, and she just had to go and put herself in grave danger. Mierda! I shook my head, trying to calm myself down. Amaya stepped forward, her expression a mixture of sympathy and exasperation. She looked at Evelina sternly. “You better not try to do something this reckless again, it’s dangerous,” she warned, gesturing to the unconscious warlock. “You can’t be that naïve, Evelina. These witches are powerful, and they have their own agenda. We can’t trust them.” Evelina swallowed audibly, her eyes on my form trembling with anger. I was so unbelievably furious that it took every single ounce of restraint I possessed to turn around and begin walking out of this goddess forsaken place. I hated witches. Amaya was the only one I trusted. And here I was, stuck doing business with them. I couldn’t get out of this f*****g country fast enough. Goddess, I wanted to be back in my home country and on my pack lands where I would better be able to control this bothersome mate of mine. If this haphazard escape was any indication, I’d have to get Evelina pregnant faster than I originally intended if I meant to subdue her. If I meant to keep her out of trouble and safe. “Evelina, what is that?” Amaya’s curious voice cut into my thoughts. My eyes flitted to look at Evelina in the backseat holding a weathered down wooden box in her hand. My eyes narrowed. Apparently, Evelina was a thief, as well as reckless. A/N: What's in the box O_o? Please leave comments. You might find out sooner than Monday ;-)
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