Chapter 5

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- **Gabe's POV** - “Amaya,” I reprimanded sharply. I glared at her from my seat in my private jet. She was sitting across from me, looking through Evelina’s phone. That was an invasion of privacy. “Sorry, Gabe.” She didn’t sound sorry at all. “When I asked you to help cover my tracks, it wasn’t so you could go through Evelina’s phone.” I clenched my jaw and ground my teeth together to stop myself from cursing at her. Amaya let out a laugh, throwing the phone to me, which I caught deftly in my hand while glaring at her the entire time. “You’d kill a man in cold blood but think going through someone’s phone is wrong. I don’t get you.” She tsked. I merely stared back at her stonily, pocketing the damn phone that had a screensaver of her and the damn pendejo I’d killed. My eyes darkened as I thought of him. I sorely wished he could come back to life just so I could kill him all over again. He deserved a thousand deaths for what he’d done. Evelina did not need to know the cold hard truth of what he really was. Let me be the villain in her story. The truth would break her. I did not want to destroy the fire within her. No. I just wanted to own it. “I’ve sent out the required emails to her work and messaged her parents,” Amaya was talking again. “Everyone will think that Robert has taken her on vacation somewhere as a surprise. You’d think that would warrant a thank you. But nooo. You just have to get all moody because I decided to go through her collection of GIFs. They’re actually pretty hilarious. She has the ‘Oh Snap’ one from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Girl’s got taste.” I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I will never understand Americans,” was all I replied. Amaya was born and raised in America. I may have gone to school in England as a child, but I was a Spaniard through and through. Gathering my thoughts, I looked at her sharply. “What’d you do with the body?” “Rob-ert,” Amaya said his name in a sing-song voice, “is going to enjoy some time at the bottom of the Harlem River. I’ve made sure to cast enough spells that nobody notices his corpse.” Amaya’s eyes suddenly flitted to the arm bangle back on Evie’s arm. My mate was still knocked out, fast asleep. I’d purposefully laid her out on the seats across from us, on the left side of my jet. That way if she woke up and panicked, I could be there to either calm her down or prick her again. It really depended on how she reacted to being kidnapped. Hopefully, Evelina would realize sooner rather than later that resistance was futile. “I wish you’d let me take a better look at the bangle on her arm. That’s a very neat little relic. It looks ancient. The carvings on it make me think it belongs to the Salem Coven.” “It probably does belong to them, considering her tia is Coven Head there,” I muttered dismissively. Amaya’s eyes widened, realizing exactly who I spoke of. So I may have omitted the fact that my mate was related to a very powerful witch. “She will gut both of us and string our insides around her Christmas tree if she finds out what we’ve done,” Amaya whispered fearfully. Everybody knew who Coven Head Melanie was. She was the mate of Evelina’s stepfather’s brother. From what I knew, due to their shared latin american heritage, Evelina was close with Coven Head Melanie. The mere mention of her made many men s**t their pants. But I was not many men. According to werewolf law, I had every right to take my mate with me. Her tia couldn’t do s**t. What’s more, a rejection could only be performed by me since my mate was human. Therefore, unless I rejected her, the bond and all the werewolf laws that went with it ensured that nobody could do intercede. “Once she’s back in Spain with me and our bond is solidified, nobody can do anything to us,” I grunted. “Ah…so it’s better for her to keep the bangle on in case her Tia tries to track her.” I did not deny or admit that she was right. In truth, I put the talisman back on Evelina because my own wolf wouldn’t calm down. He wanted me to mate and mark her immediately. Now was not the time. In due course, that was the end goal. The little bangle seemed to block our bond somehow, making it easier for me to carry her without wanting to bury my nose in her thick, dark tresses and inhale her mouthwatering scent. That scent…did things to me. Things I did not want to dwell on. “You plan to take her back to Spain and introduce her to the pack?” Amaya queried, taking off her jacket to reveal her arms adorned with tattoos very similar to mine. My mind went to the numerous times we’d gone to get inked together. Good memories of happier days. When I didn’t have to worry about a human mate. Amaya and I had always been good friends. She’d helped me out of more than one scrap I’d found myself in. We had a mutually beneficial f**k buddy relationship for a while but realized we were better off as work partners. I paid her well for her services. She was the best at what she did. “That’s the plan,” I ticked out, suddenly annoyed at Amaya for asking about what I planned to do with my mate. It was none of her damn business. I conveniently left out the plan to keep her in a luxury penthouse very far away from my pack. Far away from myself as well. “Gonna do a mating ceremony?” Amaya queried. I rolled my eyes. A mating ceremony? Was Amaya out of her mind? “I’m not some sentimental fool,” I sneered at Amaya, kicking my legs out in front of me and leaning back in my seat. “A mating and marking are enough to solidify the mate bond. I don’t think I need a ceremony which will bind me to this human in the afterlife as well.” Amaya blinked, looking at me as if she sorely wished to say something. “By the time her family finds out where she is, she will already be installed in a luxurious penthouse in Barcelona. Her days will be filled with mindless shopping and raising my heirs. I intend to keep her constantly with child.” I found myself spilling my plan, proud of how efficiently I had planned everything out for Evelina. Amaya’s lips curled up into a saccharine sweet smile. “Ah, what a wonderful picture you’ve painted, Gabe. One where your word is law and she is merely meant to yield to all your commands,” Amaya ended drolly. I looked at the annoying witch across from me, wondering where she was going with her irksome sarcasm. “Something tells me…that Evelina is not the docile pregnant and barefoot type that you’re counting on.” I gave a snort of derision. “She’ll learn.” She better. I shifted to look at her, still deep asleep. The thought of her carrying my pup stirred a primal need within me, a desire for legacy and dominance. Yes, with Evelina by my side, I would reign supreme. Her presence would keep my wolf strong. Our children would be strong as they would be born from the bond between us. Ultimately, Evelina would be mine, body and soul, bound to me and only me. My eyes went to the awful engagement ring on her finger. It had taken every ounce of restraint not to rip it off her finger. I had never felt such intense disgust towards a piece of jewelry before, my hatred for it burning like hot coals in my chest. I wanted to hurl it across the room, shatter it into a million pieces, wipe its existence from this world. Every fiber of my being was repulsed by its presence, and I was filled with an overwhelming urge to destroy it. All because that dead pendejo is the one who put it on her finger. Even the knowledge that my gun had effectively blown his brains out did not quell the rage within me. “Right. Because she is so eager to please you,” Amaya deadpanned. I looked at her. “I think you need to shut up about what Evelina will or will not do unless you want me to throw you out of my jet.” Amaya bit back a smile. I hated that she knew I wouldn’t kill her. “What do you plan to do about Raina?” I raised an eyebrow. Amaya mentioning my mistress threw me for a loop. “What about her?” I demanded angrily. What the f**k did Raina have to do with any of this? “Well... you can’t keep f*****g her when you’ve got this mate bond to contend with,” Amaya spoke slowly. Mimicking my posture, she kicked her feet out and leaned back in her chair as well. “Give her to me.” My eyebrows nearly disappeared into my hairline. Another reason we’d parted ways in terms of sleeping together. Amaya decided she liked women more than she liked my d**k. To each their own. I couldn’t blame her though. I liked p***y more than d**k too. “You want me to give you my mistress?” I scoffed. “Yeah. Why not? You don’t have any need of her. And she’ll be looking for someone to set her up when your mate finally makes you send her packing—” I cut Amaya off with a laugh. Nobody could make me do anything. “I am sorry to disappoint,” I finally managed to say. “But Raina is not going anywhere. She will remain my mistress. Evelina will just have to deal with it. There are potions and medicines that can suppress the pain of a mate’s betrayal. Evelina will learn to use them.” For some reason, the words tasted like bile in my mouth. I cast another glance towards Evelina. It would be a humiliating blow to her pride to know that her mate sought pleasure with another woman while she carried our child within her swelling belly. Why did I feel this overwhelming urge to shield her from this cruel reality? Many men did it. My father had done it. So had my stepfather. My mother hadn’t minded. But something told me that Evelina would feel hurt. Maybe even betrayed. Damn it, why did I even give a f**k about her feelings? “Speaking from experience?” Amaya teased, interrupting my thoughts. I clenched my jaw. Of course I wasn’t. Despite Evelina being intimate with the man who deserved to have his d**k sliced off and fed to the dogs, I’d never felt the pain of a mate’s betrayal. It was because our mate bond hadn’t locked into place yet. It most likely would now. Especially after we remained in close proximity to one another. Her entire purpose in life was to give me heirs. And by the Goddess, she’d give me plenty of pups. “Did you get in touch with the dark witches?” I shot off abruptly at Amaya. It was time to discuss business. Amaya shuddered and looked like she’d rather go join Robert in the Harlem River. “Can’t we just find someone else to work with? They freak me out!” Amaya argued. I secretly agreed with her. But right now, we did not have a choice. The dark witch coven in Texas was a necessary evil. I could not afford to have any more FBI officials sniffing around my business. They’d already caught too many of my men. These witches were willing to help cloak my men for a price. As Amaya and I began to discuss our next plan of action, I let my eyes stray to Evelina for what was probably the hundredth time. She was still sleeping peacefully. The angry lines of her face smoothed out to give way to an expression of tranquility. Something in my heart gave an uncomfortable tug. Something that wanted to see her always at peace. I shook my head. f**k. I could not let myself care. She was a commodity. A possession. Nothing more. My eyes rested on the blasted ring on her finger. I could have ripped it off as she slept and thrown it in the garbage. But I didn’t. There was a part of me that wanted to see her remove it herself, of her own accord. Dammit. I could not become a sentimental fool when it came to my mate. Mama always told me such thinking always led to a man’s demise. My body tensed when the aircraft jolted upon hitting the tarmac. Time to deal with some dark witches before finally taking Evelina home. A/N: Any guesses on what's going to happen now?
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