
1235 Words

Connor's POV" Well at least she liked my wolf. I stared at her retreating figure as she ran into the kitchen and smiled at least Sasquatch or Sassy was happy. I heard a small growl in my head, but I knew he was happy, I had failed where he was succeeding. I turned to leave and saw my beta coming closer. “We have a problem, Alpha?” “Hell, what is it?” He put his hands on his hips before he answered “A rogue scout was found on our lands; he was crossing over from Alpha Calib’s side” I stared at him and could see that something was bothering him “Well, it was only one rogue right. Could you get any info out of him” “No, as soon as we caught him, he took poison and killed himself. There was something else about him that was strange, he had a brand right here in his neck, by the mark

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