
1215 Words
THIS BOOK IS THE SECOND BOOK IN THE SERIES THE FIRST BOOK BEING PHASES OF THE MOON, IT IS HOWEVER A STANDALONE. Joe’s POV: We took the same booths that we did on the previous visit. Calib wasn’t able to join us, but Cain had come with me and Kai to support his brother. Connor looked nervous as we took our seats. I gave him a wink as he sat across from me. Kai had Shane on his lap and Cain was busy playing with Camile, her Godfather loved spending all the time he could with her. Connor stared at his Godson and handed him a little bear to play with. I watched his hand shake as he gave him the toy. “You okay?” He swallowed loudly “Yeah” I watched his body tense and I knew she was close. She walked up and stood at our booth, she gave me a puzzled look and I knew she was trying to recall where she knew me from. She turned to Connor and it was as if a light bulb went off. “Oh my gosh, it’s you guys. I wondered if I would see you guys again” She looked at the two kids trying to puzzle things out. I laughed and said “Yeah this is our adopted son and this is the little girl I was pregnant with” She smiled back at me and then stared with longing eyes at the two children. “They are absolutely beautiful” “Thank you” I turned to Connor and Cain. “You remember my brothers, right” this was not the time to explain our relationship so I lied again, Connor was going to have to explain everything to her. She looked at Connor with a shy smile “Yes of course are you better now” I saw him tense and just nod his head. She took our order and left. Connor exhaled loudly “f**k, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can speak to her” We all laughed and Cain slapped him on the shoulder, “You’ll get there, just take it slow” I stared at the men and my family around me and then at Kai. This had all started when the river spit him out. I took his hand in mine and he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. We stared into each others eyes and the message was clear, we adored and loved each other and nothing could part us. Connor’s POV: AS I sat it the booth I could feel her, she was close. She stepped out from behind the counter and the smell of bacon and pancake wafted off her and then her scent hit me, her scent, the scent that made her mine. It smelled of honeysuckle and sunshine, the smell was all her and had me gripping the side of the table. I felt my brother’s hand on my leg, warning me to control myself. I felt the sweat run down my back, soaking my shirt. I watched her walk towards us and I saw the way these filthy men looked at her and I gave a low growl. My brothers hand settled on my shoulder. She stopped at our booth and smiled at us. As she stood in front of me trying to take our order, I almost pulled her and kissed that luscious mouth. She recognised Joe and started to speak with her. I watched as her dark brown ponytail swung from side to side, hypnotising me. She turned her dark blue gaze on me and gave me a small sympathetic look “How are you feeling now , I hope your better” She touched my arm and the electricity sparked between us. She grabbed her hand away and rubbed it against her uniform. She cleared her throat and had the most adorable, confused look on her face and then asked again “Hope your better now” I nodded my head still unable to speak, I felt so tongue tied around her. I felt Cain’s hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me. Her eyes drifted toward the babies “So, this is the little one, she is beautiful, I can already tell she is going to be a heartbreaker.” She stared at Joe for a second before she continued “You know you didn’t look that far along” She smiled sweetly at her “Yeah I was lucky, I guess” She smiled with Joe, “I also have some great news! Since you last saw me, I am now an engaged woman, soon to be wed” I felt the anger as it started to spread through all my veins and settle in my stomach. I hit the counter hard with my fist, and she turned her shocked face on me. Cain pushed me out of the booth forcing me to move. I could feel her eyes on me as Cain pushed me toward the bathroom. I heard as Joe said “Sorry he’s going through a hard time” I could feel her answer because her voice was running down my spine, luring me back “It’s okay, my fiancé’s brother also has a mental condition.” I tried to turn back to her, but Cain pushed me into the bathroom and then against the door. He held me by the front of my shirt. “Get your s**t together” I growled softly at him “Did you hear her, she’s f*****g engaged, what the f**k am I going to do now” “You going to calm down and approach this like a human would, you are going to woo her away from that fiancé” I sunk to the floor feeling a little defeated, she was all I thought of since I found her, thoughts of her got me through the last couple of months, the fact that she didn’t feel the same was disturbing. “What am I going to do Cain, please I can’t lose her” “You’re going to go out there and act like a gentleman, then we are going to come back tomorrow, and you are going to flirt with her, then you are going to steal her affection away from her fiancé. “ I nodded my head “You okay now” “I am” “Okay I am going to go back to the booth, splash some water on your face and come and join us when you have calmed down more” I watched as Cain left. I splashed some water on my face and then grabbed hold of the door handle. Something stopped me, something Cain said. I looked back into the mirror and smiled. “Of course, steal her from her fiancé” I started back to the table and took a seat. She brought our food out and I ate with gusto, happy with my plan that was forming in my mind” She brought the check over and I smiled at her. She smiled back and I knew I had made the right decision. We paid the tab, and I walked out with my brother and friends.
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