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SOMEONE HAD DOUSED our entire front yard in crimson red while we were eating breakfast. Everything from the bushes to my parent’s windows was splattered with the foul paint with the words ‘Happy Birthday, Murderer’ written in harsh red strokes across the front door, like something right out of a horror flick. A wave of helpless anger simmered inside me, so deep and so raw I felt the sting of bitter tears well up behind my eyes. But there was no use crying. This is not the first time this has happened to me and it certainly won’t be the last. This is my life after all. Goddess knows the Denali wolves would never allow their pack’s pariah a day of happiness, especially not on her birthday. No, to them monsters like me were meant to be chained, and if they couldn’t have that, they’d settle for my sanity. “Is anyone else getting that smell?” Becca asked, her nose scrunched up on an inhale. I follow her lead, sniffing the air and not pinpointing the smell until... I almost bring up my breakfast all over my shoes at the realization. It’s not paint. It’s blood. Leo’s eyes widen. “What the hell...?” I bolt past them both. Rushing across the driveway to the fenced pen adjoining the barn and come up short at the sight. “No, no, no.” My parent’s barn animals were all butchered. Our family’s only source of income lay dead. All of them—the sheep, the goats, the cows, the chickens— I felt my knees buckle under me and before I could hit the ground, strong arms catch me. But it all goes dark. ____________________________________ “Would you give her some room!” “Would you die!” I recognize Becca and Leo’s voices instantly despite my vision still being a bit blurry. I sit up slowly, taking a minute to focus. I find Becca, Leo and my parents leaning over me, concern etched across their faces. But it was my mother who had all my attention. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks, red and puffy, stained with tears. “I’m sorry, Mom—” My voice broke. “I didn’t...” Dad shook his head. “This is not your fault.” But it is! It’s my fault the pack hates us! It’s my fault that fire started! It’s my fault those kids are dead! I should’ve died with them, then none of this would be happening. Then my parents wouldn’t always be the ones getting hurt. “This is bullshit,” Becca swears. “They can’t do this to you. I’ll make sure Dad hears about this.” Mom scoffed. “Don't bother.” “But—” “Leave it, Rebecca. Their hatred to us is clearly stronger than their obedience to your father. It will do you no good to make them hate you too. Don’t tell your father, don’t risk it. We’re fine.” Even as she said that I hear the doubt in her voice. We all did. I turn to Becca and Leo. “You guys can go ahead. I’m not going to school today.” “Like hell you are!” Mom challenged. “But Mom, I can’t leave you and Dad to clean this up. It’s my mess. Let me help.” She’s shaking her head before I’m even finished with the sentence. “You will get your ass to school. I want to hear no ifs, no buts. You promise us you’ll get out of here the first opportunity you get. Graduating from university will give you that. They already took so much from you, Massie. They’re not gonna take this too.” Rubbing a hand down her face, Mom climbs up from her crouched position on the floor while Dad helps me up. She shoos the guys out of the house. “You three go. Get to school. No more talks about what happened this morning. It’s over and done with. Dad and I will handle it. Go, go. Chop, chop.” She herds Leo and Becca out of the house like cattle, and once they’re out the door she turns to me. “I want you to promise me you’ll get out of here the first chance you get. Promise me, Massie. That you won’t stay here.” “I promise.” With my backpack on, I finally get out of the house, staring straight ahead and not allowing my attention to linger on the grotesque scene before me. But I’m pulled to the side before I can get far. “Can we talk?” Leo asked me. I nod uncertainly. Unsure of what this could be about but welcoming the distraction. He turns to Becca, jutting his chin at the car. “Go wait in the car.” She narrows her eyes at him, not liking the demand in his tone. Her eyes crackle with mischief and I know she’s going to make him pay for that later. Silently she turns and strides towards the car. “What did you want to talk about?” I asked, my voice still raw from all the crying. He scratched the back of his neck nervously. Which is a first since I’ve never seen him nervous before. He’s the most self-aware, confident person I know. Being the school’s Golden Boy, the captain of the football team, and the guy every boy’s girlfriend is secretly drooling over behind closed doors could do that to you. Sometimes I wonder why he chose to be with me when he could have anyone else in the pack. “I just wanted to let you know that whatever happens today... that I’ll support whatever decision you make.” I look away. He was talking about my mate and whether I’ll find him today or not. “What if I don’t want him?” I murmur. Leo chuckles, wryly. He steps closer to me, his hand cupping the back of my neck as he draw small circles on my cheek with his thumb. Something in me primed at his touch but I ignored it leaning into it. “We both know. You and Becca have been dreaming of finding your mates since you were kids. I know deep down you want to find him even if you wouldn’t admit it because you’re scared of hurting my feelings. But, Mase, I’m okay with whatever you choose. I just want to see you happy.” My heart softens at his words and without a word I pulled him into me, pressing my lips against his. It was soft and sweet. It didn’t make my toes curl or make tiny butterflies erupt restlessly in my stomach. It was almost... comfortably nice. My wolf for sure wasn’t happy and just to piss her off I deepened the kiss letting my tongue explore his mouth. f**k, I needed this. His hands tightened on my waist as he groaned into my lips. “Hey, nasties! We’ve got places to be!” His chest rumbled against mine with his chuckle. He gave me one last lingering kiss before pulling away. He intertwined our hands and pulled me after him to his silver convertible. I was smiling until he stopped dead in his tracks, again and I ready myself for whatever it was. Only, it wasn’t what I thought. Sure enough, Becca is the reason. She is sitting cross-legged on the closed roof of his car, her head was thrown back basking in the sunlight while he fumed beside me. “What the f**k do you think you’re doing!” He simmered. Becca lazily drags her gaze to him. “You told me to wait by the car. So, here I am.” “I said in the car not on the car, you crazy b***h!” “Well, you didn’t give me the keys so what did you expect me to do...” She didn’t look the least bit sorry though. She stood up from the car, undoubtedly causing a dent in the roof before she hopped off. “If we can get to school while I’m still young and beautiful, I’ll very much appreciate it.” I raise an eyebrow. “Since when are you excited to go to school?” She smirks. “Since I decided it’s senior year and we’re going out with a bang.” That might be true for one of us.
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