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"Good morning sir" Mart greeted as soon as Copper entered his workshop "How many times have I told you not to use “Sir” for me? Just call me Copper comfortably" Copper replied frustrated and dropped his bag. "Do you have the design ready?" he asked settling on his seat "Yes, they are ready" Mart answered and ran to the projector putting it on screen "This is a suede heels that is made in a comfortable way for the sole, it doesn’t strain the ankle’s muscle and also is stable even for running" "Hmm, I like the design but can’t we change the shape of the heels?" Copper asked accessing it closing "We can actually, I have been meaning to change it but decided to show you this first" Mart explained "Change it and let me see the outcome please" "I’ll report back shortly" Mart bowed and runs to his seat. **** "Hello are you Michael Spencer?" Cassy asked standing in front of the café’s table "Yes I am, Cassy Jones?" He asked "Oh yes" she said and took her seat "I think it’s proper ethics to apologize for keeping me here for over two hours" Michael complained "Well I didn’t tell you to wait here for me did i? and I owe you no apology because we are strangers and we will still continue to be" Cassy stated unapologetically with a shrug "Are you kidding me? You are very disrespectful, I don’t think we can match" Michael scoffed and took out his handkerchief to wipe the small sweats on his forehead "I never said I wanted to test my match with you" Cassy shrugged and crossed her thighs "The rumors are really true" Michael muttered and proceeds to stand up "No gentleman, I do the standing, no one dears to walk out on Cassy Jones, also your family needs me not the other way round but what to do I’m not planning to give you a chance" Cassy blurt out as she stood up, she picked her bag and started walking off before she stopped and turned "Next time, knot your tie in a well-mannered way, you are not a thug, what’s up with that lousy style?" She remarked, shook her head and walked off leaving Michael’s mouth opened. *** "I don’t think you should be like this, you need all these people for back up, if everyone hates you, it will only backfire on you, I think you need to learn how to make friends....." "Will you keep your flappy tool called mouth shut? You are making my head ache the more!" Cassy barked at Becky who was giving lengthy lectures "I’m sorry ma’am" Becky bowed and sealed her lips "You better throw that sorry of yours out of the window" Cassy muttered before resting her head on the car seat’s header and closing her eyes. *** Copper was busy sharpening the edges of the shoe he was making when an email beeped in to his PC, he dropped the piece careful on a piece of cloth and opened his mail "Oh a new mission" he muttered and proceeds to the read the body of the letter "Wow you’ve gotten another mission? They don’t even let you rest" Mart sighed as he read the email above Copper’s shoulder "Well I have gotten used to this, it’s not new, the most break I get is three days" Copper shrug before proceeding to his shoe making. As soon as he picked the shoe, his phone rang and Hades appeared as the caller. "What’s happening?" Copper said as he picked "Can you help me out?" Hades said meekly over the phone "Help? Where are you?" Copper asked as he signaled for Mart to come take the shoe "I’m on my way" he stated and cut off the line. "Watch the workshop" he commanded, took his jacket and went off on his bike. *** "Stop staring at me, you will bore an hole in my cheeks" Hades grits his teeth to Copper who burst into laughter "Stop making me feel embarrassed" Hades barked but it only increased the laughter of Copper. "How did you forget your wallet and go eat?" Copper mocked "I didn’t know I left on my desk earlier, Rein was so annoying that I got my system destabilized" "I didn’t even do anything" Rein muttered behind and Hades gave him a sharp cold gaze "Stop taking it out on the poor boy, no one told you to order something that expensive" Copper replied with a laugh "Stop laughing" Hades shouted and Copper sealed his lips although he was dying inside "Don’t let that laugh out, if not I might turn you to a toad" he warned and Copper faced the other way "You are just so funny " Copper snorted, "I have gotten my new mission though" he said with seriousness "This old people above don’t even let you rest" Hades said shaking his head "So who is the person?" He asked curiously "No information yet, they will send it soon but the person is near and a female" Copper answered with his hands in his pants pocket "I hope it’s a nice person this time" Hades sighed looking at the beautiful sky. *** "As you all know the company is busy planning its 25th anniversary of being registered in the shoe design world and we all know we will be receiving invitations from all around the world, stock requests will go up and there will be open space for investors, I’m sure every team is planning their respective works well for the success of this anniversary" Mandy announced from the far edge of the table, where the chairwoman’s seat is situated "Yes ma’am" the directors chorused "I will be introducing to you one of our new directors today, she has been away to Italy for three years to further more in shoe designing and fashion, we are bringing her on board to help our company by imparting the knowledge she had gained, please welcome Director Flora" Mandy said directing her hands to the open door while a lady with a very beautiful figure and moderate height walked through the door in blue velvet suit and a white inner with her black pointed toe heels with ankle straps, she is damn gorgeous with her bright glossy red lipstick doing justice to her small face and her hair packed straight and neat. "Hello I’m Flora Thomas the new director, please help me out and I’ll cooperate fully well too" she introduced with a smile and the other directors gave her a round of applause. "I’m sure all of you know she’s my daughter, I hope you all get along" Mandy added before wrapping up the meeting. *** "How was your trip? I’m sure you must be tired" Mandy said to Flora in her office "Well I’m not that tired, I can’t see Cassy around though" she answered checking everywhere for her "Cassy doesn’t work here anymore, she works at the sub branch" Mandy replied "She has always hated being in the company, maybe it’s for the better" Flora  shrugged with a smile "That shouldn’t bother you though, you are getting this company and I’ll make sure of that, you are talented, beautiful and experienced, so do your very best to gather more people on your side and show them you are the boss, don’t let anyone intimidate you" Mandy stated and Flora nodded before heading out "I’m going out, it’s my free day today isn’t it?" "You are free my dear" Mandy smiled before checking out the papers in front of her. *** "Did I not tell you not to come in?" Cassy screamed at the person who opened the door before turning to see Flora in her office "You still have this temper as always" she remarked and moved to seat on the sofa "And to what do I owe this visit?" Cassy rolled her eyes while sitting properly "Well can’t I come visit my sister who didn’t bother to call or chat me for three years?" "Who is your sister?" Cassy scoffed and heads to the mini fridge at the end of the room, "I’m sure you know who your sibling" is she added before gulping down the chilled water in her hand "You still have this foul mouth" Flora remarked with a smirk "Old habits hardly die you know" Cassy scoffed and head to her seat "So what are you here for? Or are you here to check if I now walk with wheel chairs? I’m absolutely fine as you can see" she said flapping her hands and legs "How childish, you still haven’t found your classiness" Flora shook her head. "You do know the anniversary is Sunday right? Trust you would be coming" she added "I don’t like parties, especially the ones thrown by evil people because it reeks of dirtiness and shamelessness" Cassy replied with a pout "One guest down then, we will be having enough foods and drinks for people attending Flora stated and grabbed her, I’ll be on my way, let’s get together soon and maybe eat dinner sometimes soon" she added and head for the door, she turned the door knob before looking back to face Cassy who was busy rolling on her chair while looking at her with disdain "It’s better you come back to the company, what the heck is this place? You are not even adding to the value of the company" she scorned before exiting the room "That toothpick-like wench, how dare you trash my own company?, I’m the CEO of this honorable company, why are you not waiting  for my response uhn? What a waste of mud from the creator" Cassy spitted angrily "That wench just had to come trash my mood the more, what a bad day" she said grabbing her hair in frustration when she heard the door open "I said don’t fuc*king come into my office!!" She barked loudly and Becky rushed out with the files in her hand "How come everyone is so deaf???" She screamed and threw the pencil box on her desk away in anger.  
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