1570 Words

“Over my dead body" Cassy fumed and stormed off with her coffee  “She's sensitive to strangers so don't be too mad at her. I will talk to her and get back to you" Gloria informed the tinted hair before zooming off to meet Cassy who was already at the design room looking over their work. “Why are you so sensitive? She meant no harm" Gloria said to Cassy as she took her seat carefully beside her  “I don't care if she meant no harm or not, I just don't want to see her beside me" Cassy countered not sparing her a glance  “You don't even know her prior to this place. You should just judge and rush into conclusion. Knowing people doesn't work that way" Gloria replied trying to persuade her but she was not in for it  “You may have forgotten about what I told you so let me remind you, that la

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