Chapter 6

1684 Words

6 “Whoa, haven’t seen that in a while.” Amanda pointed to the mass of hair I’d jumbled into a ponytail. Thanks to getting only four hours of sleep last night, I woke up too late to do the full blow-dry and straightening this morning. “Get used to it,” I said. My voice was hoarse from lack of sleep. “Hominins didn’t have product.” “So you’re still going through with it?” “I don’t know,” I said. “I still have to figure it out. Right now I don’t even have a brain.” “Here.” Amanda handed me one of the two Diet Cokes she was holding. “Thought you might need it.” “Bless you.” I took a long deep gulp of it. I needed all the caffeine I could get. My first class on Tuesdays is AP American History with Mr. Allen, the world’s only living zombie teacher. Amanda managed to avoid him this year bec

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